๏ MyHMS Software is designed to use easily for hospital management. ๏ Many operations related to hospital (especially for hospital) such as Investigation,

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Presentation on theme: "๏ MyHMS Software is designed to use easily for hospital management. ๏ Many operations related to hospital (especially for hospital) such as Investigation,"— Presentation transcript:


2 ๏ MyHMS Software is designed to use easily for hospital management. ๏ Many operations related to hospital (especially for hospital) such as Investigation, Admission, OT, Pharmacy, Services and Result operation are included in MyHMS Software. ๏ MyHMS Software is useable and flexible for customer who want to use computerized system. ๏ Can manage hospital operation by checking daily operation report, management and analysis report. ๏ Save time and labour effort. ๏ Reliable in security. MyHMS Hospital Management System

3 ๏ Multi user support on single server ๏ Multi client support (based on server function) ๏ Myanmar font support ๏ Multi location ๏ Multi unit ๏ Multi pricing ๏ Multi currency ๏ Serial and expire references for each item ๏ Minimum and Maximum quantity alert for inventory items ๏ System design is prepared for customer. MyHMS Hospital Management System

4 ๏ Inventory Control () ๏ Hospital Services ( ) ๏ Purchase Order Processing ( ) ๏ Sales Order Processing ( ) ๏ Cashbook and Currency () ๏ Account Payable and Receivable ( ) ๏ General Ledger () ๏ System Setting and Security Policies of Software (Software ) ๏ Reports Preparation () MyHMS Hospital Management System

5 ๏ Stock Received ๏ Stock Issued ๏ Stock Adjustment ๏ Derivation ๏ Stock Damage ๏ Stock Transfer ๏ Inventory Ledger (Stock Balance) MyHMS Hospital Management System

6 ๏ Admission for Inpatient ๏ Pharmacy Sales (Pharmacy Balance) ๏ Test Investigation ๏ Result for Investigation ๏ Services ๏ OT Report (Medical Report) MyHMS Hospital Management System

7 ๏ Purchase Invoice ๏ Purchase Return ๏ Purchase Order ๏ Purchase Ledger ๏ Fixed Assets Invoice MyHMS Hospital Management System

8 ๏ Sales Invoice ๏ Sales Return ๏ Sales Order ๏ Retail Sales ๏ Retail Sales Return ๏ Sales Ledger (Wholesales) MyHMS Hospital Management System

9 ๏ Multi Cashbook ๏ Cashbook transfer (currency conversion) ๏ Cashbook ledger ๏ Transaction related to cash ๏ Currency conversion to facilitate transactions ๏ Multi currency on based currency MyHMS Hospital Management System

10 ๏ Customer and Vendor Information ๏ Customer Ledger ๏ Vendor Ledger ๏ Sales History to Customer ๏ Purchase History from Vendor MyHMS Hospital Management System

11 ๏ Account heading setup ๏ Chart of Accounts ๏ Opening entry ๏ Journal entry ๏ Accounting periods ๏ Final accounts such as Trial Balance, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet MyHMS Hospital Management System

12 ๏ Company profile ๏ System configurations ๏ Users Maintenances ๏ Roles of Users ๏ Right and security policies of Users MyHMS Hospital Management System

13 ๏ Financial Statement Reports ๏ Account Receivable & Payable Reports ๏ Purchase Analysis Reports ๏ Sales Analysis Reports ๏ Inventory Reports MyHMS Hospital Management System

14 ๏ Purchase Summary and Detail Reports ๏ Sales Summary and Detail Reports ๏ Inventory Summary and Detail Reports ๏ Pharmacy Sales Reports ๏ Investigation Reports ๏ Services Sales Reports ๏ Daily Operation Reports ๏ Analysis Summary Reports MyHMS Hospital Management System

15 ๏ Deposit Reports ๏ Admission Reports ๏ Doctor Fees Reports ๏ OT Reports ๏ Price Change Reports ๏ Price Change Sales Reports ๏ Discount Sales Reports ๏ No Sales Report MyHMS Hospital Management System

16 ๏ Cash Payment for software-70% on advance, 30% on installation ๏ Extra services fees may be incurred ๏ After sales 6 months service warranty may be received ๏ Warranty do not cover problems caused by physical damage, electrical faults and user faults ๏ Only valid warranty of Trion Technologies supplied Hardware ๏ Accomodation, Food and Travelling charges of trainers may be incurred. ๏ Only computer hardware from TRION technologies can be warranted. MyHMS Hospital Management System

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