Dimitar Shopovski New Challenges in the European Area: Young Scientist’s 1st International Baku Forum 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Dimitar Shopovski New Challenges in the European Area: Young Scientist’s 1st International Baku Forum 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dimitar Shopovski New Challenges in the European Area: Young Scientist’s 1st International Baku Forum 2013

2  TV advertisements  Advertisements on radio stations  Newspaper advertisements  Leaflets  Catalogues  Posters

3  Nowadays the success of our business depends of our present on internet.  The goal of internet marketing is to bring your ideal customer at the right time and the right place, and to open new opportunities for your business.  Marketing is based on the same principles for centuries, only changed the ways of its realization

4 4 The first web ad that clicks (later known as banner ads) was created in 1993 by the company GNN

5  Achieving an online presence of your business  Synonyms: E-marketing web marketing online marketing

6  More efficient and faster way of DOUBLE SIDE communication  More flexible and cheaper marketing  Creates greater value for the brand being advertised  Presence 24/7/365  More effective promotion

7  SEM – Search Engine Marketing  SEO – Search Engine Optimization  E-mail marketing  Social Media Marketing  Ad Banners  Video Marketing  Blogging

8  2 polls  Some internet researches  Formal and informal discussions with managers of companies from the Republic of Macedonia  Processing results






14  The process of forwarding the classic ads (traditional advertising) to new types of marketing takes place in the world's largest economies.  86% of companies in the Republic of Macedonia realized an online presence (website, blog, social media, the combination of the previous)  14% do not generate any online presence

15  It is necessary informing managers about the possibilities: - 50 Eur. cost static web page (single or annual) - 200+ Eur. for more modern web page - Free way of advertising through social networks - Opportunities for e-mail marketing - Cheap banner ads 100 MK Denars/day depending on the popularity of the medium

16  Organizing seminars and webinars to educate the managers about benefits using E- Marketing.  Better promotion of services of IT companies  Creating national strategy improving business environment and using of E-Marketing as first option advertising business products or services.


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