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Your name Your organization Location Date Energy Planning as a Pathway to Prosperity cost savings new jobs energy independence increased sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "Your name Your organization Location Date Energy Planning as a Pathway to Prosperity cost savings new jobs energy independence increased sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your name Your organization Location Date Energy Planning as a Pathway to Prosperity cost savings new jobs energy independence increased sustainability leading by example

2 Worldwide energy use grew five- fold 1950-2000 and is expected to double again by 2030, straining supplies, prices, and delivery systems $1.205 trillion is spent on energy in the U.S. annually 1 Our households and businesses spend 10-50% of income on energy Government agencies spend more than $10 billion annually on energy to provide public services Energy efficiency has the potential to save 23% of energy demand through cost-effective measures 2 The Context Community Energy Strategic Planning

3 Efficiency Potential in 2020 by Economic Sector

4 Opportunities to save energy and money are going untapped by governments, businesses, and households Incomplete assessment of current energy use and supply hinders ability to make informed decisions Reactive approach to energy challenges wastes valuable resources Lack of clear energy vision and direction hinders certainty needed for businesses to optimize investments The Problem Community Energy Strategic Planning

5 Reveals energy and cost- saving options, saving taxpayers, businesses, and residents money Allows for great influence over energy facility siting Articulates community vision for others to invest in Provides defined guidance through a specific action plan The Solution: Proactively Planning for Our Energy Future Community Energy Strategic Planning

6 A business plan to optimize the use and supply of energy throughout the community A roadmap to meet short- and long-term energy-related goals A plan to manage energy resources and consumption A plan to prioritize actions, implement changes, and measure results A comprehensive look at how energy is being used and opportunities for improvement What is a CESP? Community Energy Strategic Planning

7 Save money Create local jobs Strengthen economic development Ensure energy reliability Demonstrate leadership Optimize infrastructure costs Promote local resources Leverage greater regional collaboration Minimize environmental impacts Developing a CESP can help … Community Energy Strategic Planning

8 Energy efficient buildings Renewable energy sources Transportation planning Fuel efficiency of fleet Public infrastructure savings Financing strategies Policy, codes, and regulations Education and outreach Common Elements of a CESP Community Energy Strategic Planning

9 What are Other Communities Doing?

10 Community Energy Strategic Planning Example: Arlington, Virginia

11 Case Example: Arlington Community Energy Plan Goals for Plan Ensure economic competitiveness Provide energy supply security Protect the environment Focus Areas Buildings District Energy Renewable Energy Transportation Public Enabling Strategies

12 Case Example: Arlington Community Energy Plan Achievements PROJECTRESULTS Energy-Efficient Buildings $450,000/yr and 8% reduction in energy intensity since 2007 Plan projects/ actions (on average) Projects are paid back in an average of 5 years with net savings each year after Greening Vehicle Fuels and Fleet Emissions were 10% lower in 2009 than in 2000 Each dollar the County invests in energy efficiency projects returns about 20¢ per year in reduced operating costs.* * Source: AIRE Community Energy Plan website:

13 Community Energy Strategic Planning Example: Chicago, Illinois

14 Case Example: Chicago Climate Action Plan Plan Goals Reduce energy costs to city buildings, residents, and businesses Create 5,000 to 10,000 jobs by redirecting household savings from energy consumption costs Cut GHG emissions from city operations to 25% below 1990 levels by 2020 and 80% below 1990 levels by 2050 Focus Areas Energy efficient buildings Clean & renewable energy sources Improved transportation options Reduces waste & industrial pollution Adaptation

15 Case Example: Chicago Climate Action Plan PROJECT RESULTS (IN FIRST 2 YEARS) Green Office Challenge Round I $5 million in participant energy savings Energy Action Network Community Program 21 jobs created CNT Energy Savers Program $844,000 in energy savings in 2010 228 Hybrid Buses Purchased Between 2008 and 2010 $7 million/yr energy savings (projected) Street, Alley, and Traffic Lighting Retrofits $1.8 million/yr energy savings (projected) Achievements Reduced 1.2 MMTCO 2 e, in the first 2 years, 8% of 2020 goal* * Source: Chicago Climate Action Plan – Progress Report – First Two Years (2008-2009)

16 Community Energy Strategic Planning Example: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

17 Case Example: Pittsburgh’s Climate Action Plan Goals Accelerate opportunities for economic development within Pittsburgh Reduce energy consumption and produce cost savings Enhance Pittsburgh’s reputation Focus Areas Energy reduction Recycling and waste management Transportation Green building practices Engagement & education

18 Case Example: Pittsburgh’s Climate Action Plan Achievements * Pittsburgh resides in an deregulated electricity market and can negotiate rates. Local governments in regulated markets do have the right to negotiate rates with their utility, and may partner with neighboring governments to increase their purchasing leverage. PROJECTRESULTS Green Trust Fund Used for HVAC, solar PV and SWH equipment, recycling program, Fellowship program and solar installation training. Large-scale retrofits to city buildings are planned. Western PA Electricity Aggregation Program* Participating in group electricity purchasing (15% green electricity) has saved $5.43 million since 2008 group-wide, specifically $550,000 for city of Pittsburgh. LED Streetlights LED Streetlights have saved the city $450,000 in 2011 alone. These energy savings are subsidizing outlays for LED traffic signals.

19 (Content will vary, depending on audience) Start saving taxpayers, businesses, and residents money as soon as possible Continue momentum of EECBG investments Seize opportunity to demonstrate leadership Leverage current community support for effort Why Now? Community Energy Strategic Planning

20 Typical CESP Timeline Project start Month 1-2 3-4 5-67-812–24 Recruit leadership team Draft vision statement Assess energy profile Promote effort to stakeholders and secure commitment Formulate goals and strategies Identify and prioritize actions Draft implementation blueprint and monitoring plan Plan finalized, adopted, and publicized Program evaluation and plan revision Develop financing strategy

21 (Presenter to propose suggestions on the following) Government operations v. community-wide scope Ideas for plan integration with other efforts Proposed budget for plan development Leadership team suggestions Options to Consider

22 (Content will vary, depending on audience) Express your support for our community to develop a CESP Consider serving as member of the leadership team Communicate your support and willingness to others Dedicate resources to the effort Request for Today Community Energy Strategic Planning

23 Next Steps Executive sponsorship Appoint Plan Manager Assemble Leadership Team Stakeholder engagement Develop plan Implement plan Enjoy the benefits Celebrate our success Let’s Get To Work Community Energy Strategic Planning

24 Contact: Your contact information here For more Information Community Energy Strategic Planning

25 Title Slide Template

26 Text Template Community Energy Strategic Planning

27 Text Template Community Energy Strategic Planning

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