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PowerPoint Animations Making stuff move..... 2 Possibilities 1.Slide Transitions Affects how slides appear 2.Animation Schemes Preset effects for title.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint Animations Making stuff move..... 2 Possibilities 1.Slide Transitions Affects how slides appear 2.Animation Schemes Preset effects for title."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint Animations Making stuff move....

2 2 Possibilities 1.Slide Transitions Affects how slides appear 2.Animation Schemes Preset effects for title and text 3.Custom animation Make individual items appear/disappear Lines of text Graphics Drawing elements

3 3 Access from Slide Show menu 1.Slide Transitions 2.Animation Schemes 3.Custom animation Clicking on any of these choices brings up a task pane at right

4 4 1: Adding Slide Transitions > Affect how slide appears > To add: Slide Show Menu  Slide Transitions Pane appears at right Click effect on pane to preview > Applies to present slide > To apply to all, click button > To see again, click Play or Slide Show

5 5 Removing Slide Transitions > Watch out! Last transition clicked will affect slide > To remove effects: Click No Transition (top of effects list)

6 6 Using Slide Transitions > Don’t Overuse! > All slides None or subtle transitions

7 7 Using Slide Transitions > Don’t Overuse! > All slides None or subtle transitions > Extreme transitions Single slides Special emphasis Changes in subject

8 8 2: Adding Animation Schemes > Preset text effects Effects apply to Title and bulleted groups > Scheme affects selected slide(s) only > Click button to apply to all slides Effect previews when selected > To see effect again, click Play

9 9 3: Custom Animation > Most flexible, detailed option > Takes most time Planning Testing > Use on Individual lines of text Text boxes Pictures Drawing objects

10 10 Adding Custom Animation > Choose from menu: Slide Show  Custom Animation Custom animation task pane appears at right > On your slide: Select what you want to animate Line(s) of text or text box Picture Drawing element

11 11 Selecting animation effects > With object(s) selected: > Click Add Effect > Choose the effect to apply Effect Previews > Keep trying Last effect applies

12 12 Previewing Custom Animation > To check effect: > Click Play or Slide Show at bottom of task pane > Effect Previews again

13 13 Removing Custom Animation > Select animated element > On Custom Animation Pane: Click Remove > Last effect applied works until you Remove it

14 14 Animation Tips > Use sparingly Just because you can doesn’t mean you should….. Subtle effects best Bold effects for meaningful emphasis Overuse easily tires audience > Use consistently Variety can be confusing > Test!!!! Check it out…..

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