A Parent’s Guide to Mrs. Tanner’s 1st Grade Riverchase Elementary School Hoover, Alabama.

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Presentation on theme: "A Parent’s Guide to Mrs. Tanner’s 1st Grade Riverchase Elementary School Hoover, Alabama."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Parent’s Guide to Mrs. Tanner’s 1st Grade Riverchase Elementary School Hoover, Alabama

2 MathWorkshop Learning Goals: Students will become problem solvers. Students will learn to communicate mathematically. Students will learn to reason mathematically. Students will value mathematics. Students will become confident in their own ability. Students will use a variety of strategies to problem solve. Curriculum: TERC Problem Solving Math Games Number Talk

3 Reading Workshop Learning about reading does not happen only during reading workshop. Real reading happens all day long from the minute students walk in the door. My goal is not to just “teach” reading, but also to develop lifelong readers who choose to read simply because they love to read. Curriculum: Rigby.

4 Reading Components Shared reading- Students will read/sing aloud a familiar text/poetry/song with the teacher. Phonics- Students will look at the patterns in words and complete a variety of activities with those words. Focus lessons- Students will be introduced to the strategies readers use to decode and comprehend text.

5 Literacy Stations are opportunities for students to practice the strategies learned to decode words. Independent reading is an opportunity for students to become better readers through practice. Students will read independently for sustained periods of time depending on their ability. Reading conferences will be conducted with each student to check for fluency and comprehension and to provide instruction and intervention as needed.

6 Homework Students are expected to read each night for a minimum of 20 minutes and to record their reading in their reading log. Twice a week students will write a response to a story that they have read (one response in class and one at home). A math assignment will be sent home once a week. Students should play the game with an adult.

7 Writing Workshop Mini-lessons introduce and highlight concepts to help students grow as writers. Students will spend time writing and I will conference with individuals about their writing. Students will share their writing with others.

8 Spelling/Word Study Objective - develop the ability to recognize and spell words correctly within context.

9 Research Science/Social Studies - referred to as research time. Hands-on time where students construct a representation of their learning and share what they have learned with other students at the end of each unit. Topics to be researched: Community, Balance and Motion, Animals in Alabama, a Comparison of Pilgrim and Indian children from long ago with children today, Celebrations around the world, Space, Historical figures, Organisms and Ocean life.

10 Handwriting Students will receive instruction on the formation of letters and be given daily opportunities to develop their fine motor skills.

11 Technology To grow, as a class, in our ability to use technology for learning purposes.

12 Lunch/Snack Lunch/Snack - Our lunchtime is 11:05-11:30. We will have one snack break each day at 2:00pm. Please send a nutritious snack for your child daily. Please do not send canned fruits, fruit roll ups or other snacks students are unable to open themselves. They will not be able to eat candy during this time. Sweets give students a burst of energy, but then they slump quickly. Suggested snack items are cheese, nuts, fresh fruit or vegetables, crackers, pretzels or beef jerky. Students will not need to bring a drink. We have a water fountain in the classroom.

13 Good Citizens…. Use kind words when speaking to others Listen when someone else is speaking Complete all work to the best of their ability Treat others the way they want to be treated Are respectful of others and the things in this building

14 Fieldtrips McWane Center in October (4 chaperones needed) Children’s Theater in February (1) Birmingham Southern Planetarium and Eco- Garden in March (4) Aldridge Gardens in April (4)

15 Please remember… Red folders should come home daily & be returned daily. School begins at 7:50am. Tardies and early checkouts may count as unexcused and three of these equal an absence. Absences remain on school records unexcused unless a note is sent within two days of returning to school. Transportation changes must have a note. Birthdays may be celebrated at lunchtime 11:05-11:30. Please label all belongings and money sent to school.

16 Conferences Conferences – There are two conference days scheduled this year. If at any time, you would like to schedule additional meetings, you may do so by calling or emailing me at school or sending a note with your child. Telephone conferences can also be arranged. Parent/Teacher Communication – Take-home folders will come home every day. Please check these for any important information concerning your child. The easiest way to get in touch with me is by email. I encourage you to communicate with me via e-mail at: ptanner@hoover.k12.al.us

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