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The main reason pandas are endangered is because of habitat loss. There main source of food is bamboo, which takes a long time to grow. When pandas eat.

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Presentation on theme: "The main reason pandas are endangered is because of habitat loss. There main source of food is bamboo, which takes a long time to grow. When pandas eat."— Presentation transcript:


2 The main reason pandas are endangered is because of habitat loss. There main source of food is bamboo, which takes a long time to grow. When pandas eat out one bamboo forest, they move to another one. Some people destroy the forests, and when pandas move to the next forest they die of starvation.

3 We can grow bamboo and donate it to some zoos. We can also STOP destroying bamboo forests. Some companies let you “adopt” a panda or a different endangered animal. The money you use is used to save pandas. There are many other ways to save pandas from becoming completely extinct.

4 There are only about 1,000 in the wild. Some places have pandas for sale. The panda is 2-3 feet in height. Males weigh about 250 lbs. Females weight about 220 lbs.

5 “Bear Market.” Science World 65.2 (2008):16 Kids Infobits. Web. Dec. 16,2010 Jenson, Dana “Project Panda.” National Geographic Explorer 6.1 (2006): 2 Kids Infobits. Web. Dec. 16, 2010

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