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2012 Economic Census Reference Webinar Series An Introduction to the 2012 Economic Census Webinar # 1 of 4 January 29 th, 2014 Andrew W. Hait Data Product.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Economic Census Reference Webinar Series An Introduction to the 2012 Economic Census Webinar # 1 of 4 January 29 th, 2014 Andrew W. Hait Data Product."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Economic Census Reference Webinar Series An Introduction to the 2012 Economic Census Webinar # 1 of 4 January 29 th, 2014 Andrew W. Hait Data Product & Data User Liaison U.S. Census Bureau

2 Outline What is the Relationship Between the Economic Census and Other Census Bureau Economic Programs? What Businesses are Covered by the Economic Census? How was the Economic Census Data Collected? What Will Be Published for the Economic Census and When and Where Will it be Released? How Can I Use the Data from the Economic Census? Preview of Webinars 2 thru 4 2

3 Census Economic Programs Monthly Economic Indicators Current Economic Programs Economic Census –Economic Census of Island Areas (ECIA) –Survey of Business Owners (SBO) –Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) Census of Governments Timeliness Detail Shown

4 Economic Indicators Sample surveys Provide a monthly snapshot of the U.S. economy –Primarily national-level –More aggregated industries –Selected key statistics

5 Other Current Economic Programs Sample surveys Administrative data (CBP and NS) Provide more detailed quarterly and annual snapshots of the U.S. economy –National, state and selected local area (county) data –More detailed industries –Additional statistics Foreign Trade data

6 The Economic Census – Industries and Products Provides the most detailed portrait of employer businesses in the U.S. Covers the most detailed industry data available Comparability info provided Includes information on over 15,000 detailed products

7 The Economic Census – Geographies and Other Data Information is shown down to the local city or town level Detailed breakouts by business size, franchise status, etc. Retail Sales in Bergan County, NJ Places: 2007

8 The Economic Census – Where We Are Today… Collection Began in Dec. 2012 –Electronic Response Options –Paper Forms Responses Due Feb. 12, 2013 Extensions Granted Thru Aug. 2013 Overall Response Rate: 84% Reviewing data for publication

9 The Economic Census Data Advance Report – Mar. 27 th 2014 –Selected preliminary statistics at national level by sector and subsector Industry Series – May 2014 thru Feb. 2015 –Detailed statistics (including products data) at national level by industry Geographic Area Series – Feb. 2015 thru Dec. 2015 –Detailed statistics at state thru local area levels by industry

10 The Economic Census Data (cont.) Subject and Summary Series – Feb. 2015 thru Jun. 2016 –Detailed statistics (including products data, business size, and other misc. topics) primarily at national level by industry ZIP Code Statistics – Jul. 2016 –Business counts by ZIP Code by industry for selected sectors Visit for detailed schedule, descriptions, and related info

11 Related Economic Census Data Economic Census of Island Areas – Apr. 2014 thru Sept. 2015 –Detailed statistics for CNMI, Guam, AS, USVI, and PR Survey of Business Owners – Jun. 2015 thru Dec. 2015 –Detailed business statistics by race, ethnicity, gender, and veteran status of the business owner

12 Where Can I Access this Census Bureau Economic Data? AFF Individual Program pages ISP

13 How Can I Use the Data from the Economic Census… Provide a suite of comprehensive, consistent, and reliable information that existing businesses can use to: –measure their performance against industry averages –identify expansion opportunities

14 What About Local Groups… Provide information that chambers of commerce and other local business organizations can use to: –understand their economy –attract new businesses to their areas

15 Anything for Entrepreneurs? Provide critical information that entrepreneurs need for new businesses in –business plans –loan applications

16 Webinar Series - What’s Next… #2: What’s New for the 2012 Economic Census (Industries) – Wed. Feb 12 th, 2pm –Emerging industries, industry consolidations / refinements #3: What’s New for the 2012 Economic Census (Geographies) – Wed. Feb 26 th, 2pm –New counties and metros, more small places, more sectors with local data, other changes #4: What Else Is New for the 2012 Economic Census – Wed. Mar 12 th, 2pm –New site (incorporating the Industry Statistics Portal), product updates, new Enterprise Statistics report

17 Questions

18 Any other Questions: (301)763-6747 Thank You!

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