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By Shaylene Mueller & Ali Hall.  Alfred Buchwald discovered the disease in 1833.  He lived in Germany  It was brought to their attention when a statistically.

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Presentation on theme: "By Shaylene Mueller & Ali Hall.  Alfred Buchwald discovered the disease in 1833.  He lived in Germany  It was brought to their attention when a statistically."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Shaylene Mueller & Ali Hall

2  Alfred Buchwald discovered the disease in 1833.  He lived in Germany  It was brought to their attention when a statistically improbable cluster of pediatric arthritis occurred in the region around Lyme, Connecticut.

3  Systemic infection  It is infected with the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi.  The infection is brought on by a tick bite from ticks of the genus Ixodes.

4  The condition of the skin near the tick-bite site will be an important indicator of the animals health as well, such as whether the wound is still open, or whether there are any fragments of the tick's body left in the wound.

5  Headache  Chills and fever  Muscle and joint pain  Fatigue  Swollen lymph nodes  A red rash that resembles a bull's- eye

6  Lameness,  Inflammation of the joints  Depression  kidney problems  Stiff walk with an arched back

7  Sensitive to touch  Difficulty breathing  Fever,  lack of appetite  Nervous system complications (rare)

8  Antibiotics  Keep animal warm and dry  Recommended amount of time of treatment is four weeks  Do not use pain killers

9  Avoid tick infested areas  Groom animal daily  Use tick: sprays, collars, and spot–on topical products to kill and repel ticks.  Vaccines

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