10 th Grade Health Mr. Meehan. Today’s Objective Analyze and discuss the influences that lead teenagers to use drugs Describe the differences between.

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Presentation on theme: "10 th Grade Health Mr. Meehan. Today’s Objective Analyze and discuss the influences that lead teenagers to use drugs Describe the differences between."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 th Grade Health Mr. Meehan

2 Today’s Objective Analyze and discuss the influences that lead teenagers to use drugs Describe the differences between “Peer Pressure vs. Peer Pleasing” Answer how the media plays a role in drug and alcohol use/non-use by teens in our country

3 Anonymous Question Box Write at least 3 questions about what you would like to know about the following topics related to drugs: Influences of Drug Use Impact to Society and Family Drug Classification Neurotransmission Addiction Drug Effects on the Body Alcohol Tobacco Marijuana Legal Issues


5 Discussion  What factors/tactics influenced you to eat object? Why?  What factors made you resistant to eat the object? Why?  HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO INFLUENCES OF TEEN DRUG USE????

6 The 5 Major Factors that Influence the Choices Teens make about Drug Use  Peers  Media  Family  Role Models  Perception

7 The 5 Major Factors that Influence the Choices Teens make about Drug Peers ◦ How do your peers influence your choices about drug use? Peer Pressure versus Peer Pleasing ◦ What’s the difference?

8 The 5 Major Factors that Influence the Choices Teens make about Drug Media ◦ How does the media play a role in drug and alcohol use/non- use amongst teens in our country?

9 The 5 Major Factors that Influence the Choices Teens make about Drug Role Models ◦ Think of a Role Model you look up to  What are their views on drug and alcohol?  Do you think they do drugs or drink alcohol?  How does this affect your views?

10 The 5 Major Factors that Influence the Choices Teens make about Drug Family  Does having a parent or older sibling influence you in taking drugs or drinking?  Why?

11 The 5 Major Factors that Influence the Choices Teens make about Drug Perception – What does it mean? Why is perception such a powerful factor in relations to teen drug use?

12 Group Activity - What are your perceptions? Get into Groups Decide whether the question is true or false and provide a reason why for each question. Once your are completed part 1, complete part 2. ◦ Be prepared to share answers with class

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