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G O G REEN Save money, save the environment. G O G REEN Energy and Water Efficiency Reduce, Recycle, Reuse.

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Presentation on theme: "G O G REEN Save money, save the environment. G O G REEN Energy and Water Efficiency Reduce, Recycle, Reuse."— Presentation transcript:

1 G O G REEN Save money, save the environment

2 G O G REEN Energy and Water Efficiency Reduce, Recycle, Reuse

3 E NERGY AND W ATER E FFICIENCY Lighting Heating and Cooling Equipment Water

4 L IGHTING Fluorescent lights Daylight Turn off lights

5 H EATING AND C OOLING Summer Winter While you’re away Programmable thermostat

6 E QUIPMENT Turn off equipment Turn off computer monitors Use a power strip Unplug chargers and adapters

7 W ATER Don’t let water run Fix leaks immediately Install aerators Run full loads Lower water heater temp


9 G UESS W HEN ……… The first city dump opened. 500 B.C. Pigs were used to get rid of garbage. 1900 Landfills became popular. 1920 The first solid waste management laws were passed. 1965 A garbage barge circled Long Island with no place to unload. 1987

10 W HAT CAN WE DO ? Reduce the amount of waste. Recycle items into new products through a manufacturing process. Reuse the product in a different way.

11 R EDUCE Packaging Toxicity Compare product packaging Buy loose items Buy economy sizes Use concentrated product Buy in bulk Use least amount necessary Use non-hazardous alternatives Follow use and disposal directions Find a hazardous waste collection site

12 R ECYCLE What Where Paper Glass Aluminum Plastic Curbside Collection Drop-off Centers Buy Back Centers

13 H OW MANY YEARS TO DISAPPEAR ? Disposable Diaper 500-600 years Cotton Sock 5-6 months Styrofoam Cup 1 million years + Glass Bottle 1 million years + Leather Belt 40-50 years Wooden Block 10-20 years Banana Peel 3-4 weeks Cardboard Box 1-2 months Plastic Bottle 1 million years + Aluminum Can 200-500 years

14 R EUSE Consider reusable products. Maintain and repair durable products. Reuse bags, containers, and other items. Borrow, rent, or share items. Sell or donate goods instead of throwing them out.

15 G O G REEN Energy and Water Efficiency Reduce, Recycle, Reuse


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