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Multiplication for the 5 th Grade Mrs.Barnett. Navigation Page.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiplication for the 5 th Grade Mrs.Barnett. Navigation Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiplication for the 5 th Grade Mrs.Barnett

2 Navigation Page

3 Student’s Home

4 Teacher’s Home

5 Strand 1: Number and Operations Concept 2: Numerical Operations Performance Objective Multiply multi-digit whole numbers Analyze and evaluate whether a solution is reasonable, is mathematically correct, and answers the question.

6 No concepts identified for this level.

7 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETSS. Teachers:

8 a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.

9 VP-E1. Analyze visual media for language, subject matter and visual techniques used to influence opinions, decision making and cultural perceptions

10 Citations Not Applicable (N/A)

11 Tutorial 325 325 x 12 x12 x12 x12 0 50 650 325 325 x12 x12 650 650 650 3900 50 250 3250 1 Whenever you are multiplying multi- digit numbers, you must always add a 0 when you move to the next digit

12 A. 2195 B. 4575 C. 4880 D. 5185Practice 305 x16 Answer this question on a piece of scratch paper, when you are done and would like to share your answer, raise your hand.

13 CORRECT!!! 305 x16 4880

14 In- Correct Make sure you add a zero when you go to the second digit. Check your multiplication. Check your addition.

15 Conclusion Students are expected to fluently and accurately multiply multi-digit whole numbers. Multi-digit at this grade level refers to any number of digits

16 Quiz 452 318 208 x16 x17 x22 119 302 x12 x19 On a new piece of paper, write these questions down and complete them. When you are finished, put your pencil down and wait silently.

17 Quiz Answers 452 318 208 x16 x17 x22 7232 5406 4576 119 302 x12 x19 1428 5738 Now pass your papers to a classmate so we can grade them. You may NOT grade your own.

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