Warm up What do athletes ( and some of us) have to do to stay in good shape. Think about physical activities and nutrition. ( write a minimum of 6 sentences)

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up What do athletes ( and some of us) have to do to stay in good shape. Think about physical activities and nutrition. ( write a minimum of 6 sentences)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up What do athletes ( and some of us) have to do to stay in good shape. Think about physical activities and nutrition. ( write a minimum of 6 sentences)

2 Name in French parts of the body It’s important to know human body parts and to memorize those names. You may use your smart phone for help but you have to stay on the topic.

3 Note de grammaire: The verb se nourrir is a regular verb –ir verb. It follow the same pattern as choisir and finir. It’s also a reflexive verb. Je me nourris bien, mais mes amis se nourrissentmal. * Do Act. On page 209 # 8 and 9 ( on textbook) *Changing Gears: students write down in French what they have eaten and drank since this morning; then answer following questions: Qu’est-ce que tu as mangé aujoud’hui? Qu’est-ce que tu as bu le matin?

4 * Do # 33 On page 202; it’s about nutritional habit the teacher asks Charlotte to write and sports and activities she practices. Read the paragraph she wrote and complete blanks with words given. Let’s be wise in life: Fumer les cigarettes ou les drogues, c’est bon pour toi? Ce n’est pas bon pou toi! Evite de fumer! ** Pouquoi manger? ( Why do we eat?) P. 204 Students write a paragraph to justify why we have to eat. (6 sentences)

5 Drawing for good habits *Students draw ads showing healthy food and not healthy products for people. They have to be creative. Write names and French 2 on the top of your paper. ** Homework/ handouts\ * Exit!!!

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