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Reinforcement Homework Task #1 Create an introduction role-play cartoon in French on Once it is complete, write down the.

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Presentation on theme: "Reinforcement Homework Task #1 Create an introduction role-play cartoon in French on Once it is complete, write down the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reinforcement Homework Task #1 Create an introduction role-play cartoon in French on Once it is complete, write down the url link in your exercise book and then print off your cartoon and stick it your book. You have a choice of homework tasks, and you only need to complete ONE of them. You should use your book and the phrases from class to complete one of these tasks. Remember to check your spellings and accuracy before you finish. Remember that the school has computers for you to use before, during and after school. Create an introduction role-play in French on Once it is complete, write down the url link in your exercise book and email it to your teacher. Create an introduction role play cartoon strip in French on paper or in your exercise book. Draw the characters, or cut them out of magazines. Be creative!

2 Challenge for today Towards the end of the lesson, you will introduce yourself to your partner off by heart. They will give you a mark for every sentence/phrase you offer They will also offer you a www/ebi/target feedback.

3 Greetings and Introductions 1.Bonjour 2.Ça-va? 3.Comment-tu tappeles? 4.Quel âge as-tu? 5.Où habites-tu? 6.Quest-ce que tu aimes? 7.Quest-ce que tu naime pas? 1.Bonjour. 2.Oui, ça va bien, merci. 3.Je mappele Eric. 4.Jai treize ans. 5.Jhabite à Lyon. 6.Jaime bien le sport et jadore écouter de la musique. 7.Je naime pas aller en ville.

4 Clap out a question or response. Can your partner get it right? Keep a count of how many times they have to hear it before they get it right

5 Create a little sketch – Challenge = change the details but not the structure 1.Bonjour 2.Ça-va? 3.Comment-tu tappeles? 4.Quel âge as-tu? 5.Où habites-tu? 6.Quest-ce que tu aimes? 7.Quest-ce que tu naime pas? 1.Bonjour. 2.Oui, ça va bien, merci. 3.Je mappele Eric. 4.Jai treize ans. 5.Jhabite à Lyon. 6.Jaime bien le sport et jadore écouter de la musique. 7.Je naime pas aller en ville.

6 =pacEzpWVsTA Whiteboards at the ready!

7 Memory chain game Two things you need to know for this game: – Comment-tu tappeles? – Je mappele _______ et jaime _______

8 Challenge for today Towards the end of the lesson, you will introduce yourself to your partner off by heart. They will give you a mark for every sentence/phrase you offer They will also offer you a www/ebi/target feedback.

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