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French Term 4 Powerpoint. 10 places, what I did in those places 5 men, 5 ladies. Things they did when they was younger describe 10 people.

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Presentation on theme: "French Term 4 Powerpoint. 10 places, what I did in those places 5 men, 5 ladies. Things they did when they was younger describe 10 people."— Presentation transcript:

1 French Term 4 Powerpoint

2 10 places, what I did in those places 5 men, 5 ladies. Things they did when they was younger describe 10 people

3 Paris I obtained a city map in Paris Je obtenu une Plan de ville a Paris

4 London I bought sun glasses in London Je acheter lunettes de soleil a London

5 France I bought shoes in France Je acheter chaussure a France

6 Germany I went to Germany for a quick visit Je suis alle a Germany pour un visite

7 Toronto, Canada I went to Toronto to watch a baseball game Je suis alle a Toronto pour observer un match de base-ball

8 Dominican Republic I went to the Dominican Republic to visit my family Je suis alle a la Republique Dominicaine a voir mon famille

9 Miguel When Miguel was younger, he played soccer Quand Miguel était jeune il jouer au football.

10 Peanut When Peanut was younger he studied at TechBoston Academy Quand Peanut était jeune il a etudie au TechBoston Academy

11 Jose When Jose was younger he enjoyed making music Quand Jose était jeune il apprecier faire de la musique

12 Myself When Moises was younger he was an excellent baseball player Quand Moises était jeune il était un excellent joueur de baseball.

13 Robert (My brother) When Robert was younger he created music videos Quand Robert était jeune il invent des videos de musique.

14 Maria When maria was younger she played with dolls Quand Maria était jeune elle jouer avec poupée

15 Nicole When Nicole was young she read many books Quand Nicole était jeune elle lire beaucoup livres

16 Janifer When Janifer was young she was a great singer Quand Janifer était jeune elle atait une excellent chanteur

17 Diya When Diya was younger she worked at mcdonalds Quand Diya etait jeune elle travailla a McDonalds

18 Emerri When Emerri was younger she liked to watch basketball games Quand Emerri était jeune elle apprecier

19 My mother Ma mere My mother is a caring person ma mere est une personne aimable

20 My father mon pere My father is a very wise man mon pere est respectable

21 My brother mon frere My brother is an intelligent young man mon fre est tres intelligent

22 My friend My friend Miguel is a very social guy, he likes making jokes Mon amie Miguel est quelqu'un social. Il aime faire des blagues

23 Errol Errol loves cars and knows a lot about them Errol aimer voitures et entendre parler a propos de

24 Analiese My friend Analiese is a beautiful person

25 Rusty Young The coach of the Varsity baseball team can be strict but inside is a nice person

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