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Persuasion Techniques: Win friends and arguments with PUBLIC SPEAKING.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasion Techniques: Win friends and arguments with PUBLIC SPEAKING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasion Techniques: Win friends and arguments with PUBLIC SPEAKING

2 Three (and a half) Persuasive Appeals Ethos Pathos Logos Nomos Aristotle: Ancient Greek philosopher

3 Ethos the name used by Aristotle for what modern students of communication refer to as credibility CREDIBILITY--the audience’s perception of how believable a speaker is. There are two main factors affecting credibility: COMPETENCE & CHARACTER

4 Types of Credibility INITIAL--the credibility of a speaker before he/she starts to speak DERIVED--the credibility of a speaker produced by everything she/he says and does during the speech TERMINAL--the credibility of a speaker at the end of the speech

5 Credibility Through Common Ground create and establish common ground by connecting yourself with the values, attitudes, or experiences of the audience

6 Logos the name used by Aristotle for the logical appeal of the speaker. The two major elements of LOGOS are EVIDENCE and REASONING. EVIDENCE--supporting materials used to prove or disprove something

7 Tips for Using Evidence Use specific evidence Use novel evidence Use evidence from credible sources Make clear the point of view of your evidence

8 Pathos the name used by Aristotle for what modern students of communication refer to as emotional appeal These may take the form of FEAR, COMPASSION, PRIDE, ANGER, SHAME, or REVERENCE

9 Nomos the name used by Aristotle for what modern students of communication refer to as shared cultural beliefs we identify with speaker’s messages and images because they are familiar and show solidarity with the audience

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