Parkinson’s Disease First described as the ‘shaking palsy’ by James Parkinson, this neurodegenerative plagues nearly 1 million Americans who have been.

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1 Parkinson’s Disease First described as the ‘shaking palsy’ by James Parkinson, this neurodegenerative plagues nearly 1 million Americans who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Roughly 15% of those diagnosed with the disease are under 65.

2 Parkinson’s disease is characterized by 80% degeneration or damage of dopaminergic neurons specifically in the nigrostriatal pathway.

3 Degeneration specific some certain neurons in certain pathways. The dopamine neurons in the nigrostriatel pathway are targeted. The loss of function in these neurons leads to range of symptoms experienced by a patient.

4 Degeneration and function all over the brain become very noticeable on fMRI scans

5 Early stages of Parkinson’s is associated with mild symptoms such as depression, mumbling, stiff cramped handwriting, facial stiffness and shuffling walk. As the disease progresses almost all motor control can be lost.

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