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Educational Computer Architecture Experimentation Tool Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua.

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1 Educational Computer Architecture Experimentation Tool Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua

2 Needs COE-308 course material is mainly centered around ISA and Design. COE-308 course material focuses on: Performance issues around the ISA. Design of the Datapath and Control Simple Memory Architecture Existing tools are mainly assemblers Need an ISA/Datapath/Memory Experimentation tool

3 Existing Capabilities MIPS Instruction Set Assembler SPIM, DLX and others SPIM and DLX Enable programming assignments only No support for ISA modification No Performance Measurement No Datapath design trade-offs experimentation capabilities Others Very advanced research tools that are less suitable for entry-level education purpose

4 General Requirements Ability to fully define ISAs Hardware elements Instruction Sets Ability to describe instruction execution flow. Ability to define internal datapath blocks Ability to simulate execution of sample programs Ability to measure performances metrics (execution time)

5 Defining ISAs Define Hardware elements and characteristics visible at the programmer level Registers Operations Execution flow Define Instruction Set Instructions Instruction Description Automatic Generation of the Assembler and Simulator for the target machine Includes syntax check Includes execution traces Includes measurement of certain metrics and execution statistics

6 Fixed Choices Single Execution Unit No Floating Point Unit (at the beginning) Two separate Instructions and Data Memory Access Buses Single Execution Mode No privileged/supervisor mode support Single Instruction Set No Dual instruction set support Single Hardware Interrupt

7 Organization Organized as Several Areas: Objects Area Instruction Set Area Datapath Area Assembler Area Simulator Area Each Area is linked to the others through the use of its defined parameters in the definition of the other area parameters Example: A Register, defined in the Objects area can be referenced in the definition of an instruction in the Instruction Set Area

8 Defining the Objects Execution Unit Clock Cycles per Instruction Single Clock Cycle per Instruction Multiple Clock Cycles per Instruction Pipelined/non-pipelined Pipeline stages Number of Operands per instruction 1, 2 or 3 operands per instruction Registers Single or Array If Array define its indexes (From k to n+k) Size (number of bits) Label Operations Select Operations used by Instruction Set from a set of predefined operations (+, -, x, shift, and, or, …) Define new operations as combination of existing operations

9 Defining the Instruction Set Mnemonics Label Number of Variants Addressing Modes Addressing mode selection for every variant Possible Operands Selection for every operand from the list of already defined registers or addressing modes Description Cycle per Cycle Select operation (from list of defined operations) Use non-visible (to the programmer) temporary registers or hardware functional blocks (defined in datapath area) in description

10 Defining the Datapath Use Existing Hardware Blocks from Library ALU Register File Muxes Customize the blocks Size Define new blocks using hierarchical definitions Define block Connections Text Definition Possible Definition of Buses Buses can be Tristate Map Objects to Hardware Blocks

11 The Assembler Choose the Syntax for representing Instruction line Comment Data Definition Static Memory Allocation Every Addressing Mode used in the ISA Choose Policy for Program location in Memory Editor for writing programs Assembler translates text programs into object code referencing Instruction Descriptions of Instruction Variants

12 The Simulator Executes object code Uses a flat memory model Define Address Boundaries (for debugging) Detects (during execution) Structural Conflicts Dependencies Contradictory Definitions Integrates measurement of important metrics Code density Execution Time Program Size

13 Summary Provides the students with a powerful experimentation tool Designed to Show the dependencies that exist between: The Instruction Set The Operations The Hardware Elements The Datapath Suitable for Pipelined and Non-pipelined Architectures COE-308 and COE-205 (Computer Organization) as well

14 Usage Assignments can be: Given an Instruction set; define a possible implementation (with provided guidelines) Given a given datapath; define a suitable instruction set Evaluate the performances of two different implementations of the same Instruction Set

15 Aspect Toolset composed of multiple interacting independent software module Some are GUI-based Some are Text/Command Line based Define/Use Existing language to describe: Instruction Set (Assembly side) Datapath Data Entry Probes

16 Extension of Usage Extra module for Verilog/VHDL generation Generation of Datapath Unit Verilog model Generation of Control Unit Verilog model Generation of Testbench Verilog Model Generation of Memory Verilog model (to accept programs) Interface between assembler and Verilog Model

17 Conclusion Computer Architecture Experimentation Toolset for ISA/Processor Design and Education. Easily Realizable if developed in modules (each module developed as a Senior Project) If Possible: Collaboration with ICS department (software intensive) project. Web-based Interface ?

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