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Concur Pilot Update Fin UL Meeting November 20, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Concur Pilot Update Fin UL Meeting November 20, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concur Pilot Update Fin UL Meeting November 20, 2009

2 Concur Pilot Overview: Pre-pilot conducted 8/15–10/15/09 (small central office group ) Conducted pilot unit readiness and interchange sessions Sept/Oct Departmental pilot began 10/15/09 –Finance –ITS subset (Fin CPU) –LS&A subset (4 departments) –Medical School subset (5 departments) –School of Dentistry –School of Information –School of Social Work –University Audits Approx. 4,000 employees currently have access to Concur Approx. 400 P-Cards linked to Concur Approx. 700 expense reports submitted to date Approx. 100 travel bookings made through Cliqbook to date Further campus rollout approach will be defined based on evaluation of pilot results 2

3 Some Feedback and Findings from the Concur Pilot to Date: Many users happy with turnaround time on reimbursements for approved expense reports (1-2 days after approval) Approvers using the system to send expense reports back to users if they have questions or need additional information (with comments captured) Averaging about 14 calls per day to ITS help desk (majority are routine system navigation and process questions) Some issues identifying which users (and their P-Card) are in or out of the Pilot (partial units in pilot, temps, students, P-Card selection criteria) Adding expense types based on user feedback and central office analysis Working to develop better Concur data reporting options for users Some concerns regarding booking fees for Cliqbook reservations ($7 online, $18 agent assisted) – Continue to communicate benefits/value of Cliqbook Monitoring P-Card charges which have not been worked/expensed 3

4 Travel and Expense Web Site The new Travel and Expense web site was created to provide information and resources about: –The revised travel and business hosting expense policy –The new Concur travel and expense management system Link to Concur System training –Frequently Asked Questions –Expense – Account Map –Travel tips and information, best practices, and links to key resources –Updated forms and training for both Concur and Non-Concur users 4

5 Questions / Feedback? 5

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