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Accessing electronic journals via WebCat National Oceanographic Library.

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2 Accessing electronic journals via WebCat National Oceanographic Library

3 electronic print Here are the print and electronic records on WebCat for the ‘Journal of Oceanography’

4 1 2 Details and Full Catalogue Details including the holdings information of the print version of the journal. Click on the tab to switch between the two pages.

5 Record for the electronic version of the journal. Click on the ‘Electronic Access’ link to directly access the journal.

6 Providers website for the electronic version of the journal. The volumes that we subscribe to and can access have a green box beside them. Click on the volume and then part number to see the issues table of contents and find an individual article.

7 Here is the contents list of the issue. The articles will usually be listed in page number order.

8 Here is the individual article. You may also find a link on the webpage to a pdf version which is easier for printing or saving.


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