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1 Computing for Todays Lecture 4 Yumei Huo Fall 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Computing for Todays Lecture 4 Yumei Huo Fall 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Computing for Todays Lecture 4 Yumei Huo Fall 2006

2 2 Contents Word Tutorial 2: Editing and Formatting a Document

3 3 Microsoft Office Word 2003 Tutorial 2 – Editing and Formatting a Document

4 4 Check spelling and grammar Word's Spelling and Grammar checker highlights typing errors in red and grammatical errors in green as you type. If you open an existing document, you can still use the checker to locate errors. As the checker proceeds through the document, it will stop at each error it finds and suggest one or more possible corrections.

5 5 The Spelling and Grammar dialog box

6 6 Proofread your document Although the Spelling and Grammar checker can find obvious mistakes in your document, you should always proofread the document very carefully. In the figure below, the word “too” is written where it should be “two”. Since “too” is spelled correctly, it is not flagged as an error, but it is still incorrect.

7 7 Select and delete text You can use different methods to select text with the mouse or keyboard. Use the mouse to quickly select any amount of text — a letter, a line, or the entire document. To select a single line or more, click in the selection bar, which is the blank space in the left margin where the cursor turns into an arrow. After the text is selected, you can perform many actions, including deleting the highlighted text by pressing the Delete key.

8 8

9 9 Move text within the document The ability to move text within a document is a timesaving editing feature. Moving text, compared to retyping the same amount of text, makes it much easier to reorganize a document. Dragging and dropping text enables you to move small or large amounts of text with a few mouse clicks.

10 10 Drag-and-drop text To drag and drop text, first select the text to be moved. Next, press and hold down the mouse button until the pointer changes into the drag-and-drop pointer shown below. Finally, drag the text to its new location and release the mouse button.

11 11 Cut, copy and paste text Cutting or copying and then pasting text is another way to move text from one location to another. Cutting text removes it from its original location Pasting places it in a new location Copying leaves the text in its original location, but places a copy of the text in the new location when you paste Cut and copied items are stored on the Clipboard. In Word 2003, a maximum of 24 items can be stored on the Clipboard.

12 12 Using the clipboard

13 13 Find and replace text The Find feature enables you to locate a word or phrase in a document. The Replace feature enables you to automatically change the word or phrase after it is found. You can set the options to automatically replace every occurrence of the text or to only replace individually selected occurrences. Delete a recurring word by searching for the word and replacing it with nothing or a space. You can also change the document's appearance by replacing a font, a special character, or the appearance of the text (bold, italic, etc.).

14 14 Use Find and Replace

15 15 Change margins, line spacing, alignment, and paragraph indents Margins affect the amount of white space between the type and the edge of the paper. Line spacing, which you can change using the Line Spacing button on the Formatting toolbar, determines the amount of white space between lines of type. Text alignment identifies how the text lines up between the left and right margins. Paragraph indents change where text starts and stops on each horizontal line without changing the margins. Indents are most often applied to the first line of a paragraph, but entire paragraphs can be indented for various reasons.

16 16 The Page Setup dialog box

17 17 Use the ruler to set margins

18 18 Modify line spacing

19 19 Indenting a Paragraph

20 20 Align text using the Formatting toolbar

21 21 Copy formatting with the Format Painter The Format Painter copies formatting from one paragraph to another in three steps: Select the entire formatted paragraph Click the Format Painter button (double-click to apply the format to multiple items), and then use the mouse pointer to select the item(s) you want to format Click in the paragraph to be formatted. The format is copied to the second paragraph Click the Format Painter button again to turn the function off.

22 22 Using the Format Painter

23 23 Emphasize points with bullets, numbering, boldface, underlining, and italics Bullets and numbers make lists stand out from the rest of the document. Click the Bullets or Numbering button on the Formatting toolbar to add bullets or numbers to each paragraph. If you add or remove an item in a numbered list, Word will automatically adjust the numbers. Text can also be emphasized and made clearer through the use of bolding, underlining, and italicizing.

24 24 Use a bulleted list to organize data

25 25 Change fonts and adjust font sizes Important text, such as titles or headings, should look different from the regular text in a document. Do this by making the title or headings larger or selecting a different font. Fonts are classified as serif or sans serif Traditionally, documents use a serif font for the main text and a sans serif font for headings Draw attention to specific words by using the buttons on the Formatting toolbar to make the words bold, underlined, or italic. A quick way to alter either the font or the font size is to access the font list or the font size list. These drop-down lists allow you to quickly change the font/font size.

26 26 Choose a font from the Formatting toolbar

27 27

28 28 Previewing Formatted Text It ’ s helpful to preview a document after formatting it, because the Print Preview window makes it easy to spot text that is not aligned correctly. To preview and print a document, press Ctrl+Home, click the Print Preview button on the Standard toolbar, click the One Page button on the Print Preview toolbar, and examine the document. Click the Print button on the Print Preview toolbar.

29 29 Previewing Formatted Text

30 30 Add a comment to a document A comment is an electronic way of attaching a note about a certain word or section of the text, much as you would write a note in the margins of a paper document. You can insert, edit, and delete comments without affecting the document. Insert comments at any point in the text. Select sections of the text to indicate that your comment references all of the text selected. Comments can also be viewed as ScreenTips or, if you alter the default settings, as margin notes.

31 31 Adding a comment

32 32 Using the Research Task Pane The Research task pane provides a number of research tools, including a thesaurus, an Internet search engine, and access to the Encarta Encyclopedia and Dictionary To take full advantage, your computer must be connected to the Internet Select the text you wish to research, and click the Research button on the Standard toolbar

33 33 Using the Research Task Pane

34 34 End of lecture 4 Thank you!

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