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1 Wireless LANs. 2 Introduction Types of Communication Networks. LAN’s Configurations. Wireless Technology. –Definition. –Applications. –Example. Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Wireless LANs. 2 Introduction Types of Communication Networks. LAN’s Configurations. Wireless Technology. –Definition. –Applications. –Example. Communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Wireless LANs

2 2 Introduction Types of Communication Networks. LAN’s Configurations. Wireless Technology. –Definition. –Applications. –Example. Communications Area. - Problems: * Direct Connection of computers. * Huge Number of connections. - Solution * Networking.

3 3 How it Works Brief Introduction. Components of wireless Network. Security.

4 4 Brief Introduction : Wi-Fi Network. Radio waves. –Mobile phones, TV and Walkie-Talky. Similarities: –Sending and Receiving. –Converting 0’s and 1’s. Differences: – Higher Frequencies. 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz

5 5 Components of Wireless Network: 1- Wireless Transmitter (wireless adapter). PC card slot USB port Built-in

6 6 Continued …….. 2- Wireless Router consisting of: - DSL or Cable port. - router. - Ethernet hup. - Firewall. - wireless access point.

7 7 * This Network works in the following way: -Data  wireless adapter  radio signal  antenna  wireless router  signals decoding  Ethernet connection  information to the internet or other device. 

8 8 Continued……. The process also goes in reverse : Information  router  radio signal  antenna  adapter  data used by the computer. 

9 9 Security Security is an important part of home wireless network. Some precautions or methods should be used to keep the network private. - WEP - WPA - MAC

10 10 Wired Equivalency Privacy (WEP): –WEP key : numerical password. –Must be known to access the network. WIFI Protected Access (WPA): –Development of WEP. –Part of 802.11i security protocol. –Like WEP, it uses a password.

11 11 Media Access Control (MAC): - very secure. –It uses different technology ( Address Filtering). –No use of password. –It uses computer’s physical hardware. –MAC addresses should be matched in order to access the network. - MAC addresses should be added to the list for new computers.

12 12 Wireless LANs 1] History 2] Standards & protocols Faisal Nawab

13 13 Why History? A way of thinking experience

14 14 The beginning of wireless communication Gugliemo Marconi – 1896 His goal? A key to the gate

15 15 Beginning of Wireless LANs Dr. Norman Abramson – 1970s Major events since:- –1980: first modems with 9600 bit/s –1991: Wireless LAN workshop (why/results?) –1990s: wireless hardware drop (benefits?)

16 16 ٍ Standards and Protocols Why standardization? IEEE 1990: 802.11 family

17 17 802.11 802.11: 2Mbps, 2.4GHz 802.11a: 54Mbps, 5Ghz 802.11b: 11Mbps, 2.4GHz 802.11g: 54Mbps, 2.4GHz IEEE 802.11-2007

18 18 802.11n MIMO support 500 Mbps

19 19 802.11s Mesh networks Why?

20 20 Thank you.. Questions?

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