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NETWORKING COMPONENTS Zach Avis. Hub A hub is a low cost way to connect two computers. A hub can also act as a repeater. When a signal comes from one.

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Presentation on theme: "NETWORKING COMPONENTS Zach Avis. Hub A hub is a low cost way to connect two computers. A hub can also act as a repeater. When a signal comes from one."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hub A hub is a low cost way to connect two computers. A hub can also act as a repeater. When a signal comes from one computer through the hub it is repeated and passed to the next computer. A hub is typically used in small LAN networks. Price Range: $30.00-$3,000.00

3 Hub continued Hub Computer #1 Computer #2

4 Switch A network switch is used to relay signals by using network addresses. These devices can also come with software capable of setting up routing tables. Network switches are often used in medium to large LAN settings. Price Range: $50.00-$10,000.00

5 Switch Continued Switch Computer #1 Computer #2 Computer #3 Computer #4

6 Router Like switches routers relay data packets, but it is more powerful in that it can prioritize packets. Routers can actively shift traffic to find the best route for data. Small routers can be used in peoples homes and more advanced routers are found in large businesses. Price Range: $50.00-50,000.00

7 Router Continued Router Computer #1 Computer #4 Computer #3 Computer #2

8 Bridge A network bridge is similar to a switch, but it uses the ethernet MAC address to route traffic through the network. Bridges are often used in large networks with multiple segments. Price Range: $50.00-$40,000.00

9 Bridge Continued Bridge Computer #2 Computer #3 Computer #4 Computer #1

10 Gateway A gateway is a router that is capable of sending and receiving information being sent using a different protocol. A gateway converts data into the necessary protocol depending whether it is leaving the network or entering it. Gateways are found in enterprises where different network protocols are used in different locations. Price Range: $100.00-$200,000.00

11 Gateway Continued Gateway Computer #1 Computer #2 Computer #4 Computer #3

12 Firewall Firewalls can be found in different devices. They are generally software or hardware that protects the network connections to prevent unwanted users or networks from connecting to them. Firewalls are found on home computers, small business routers and in ISP networks. Price Range: $300.00-$60,000.00

13 Firewall continued Firewal l Compute r Router Compute r

14 Wireless AP Wireless access points connect wireless devices to a wired network. Wireless access points can also connect multiple wireless devices with one another. They are generally found in small businesses or homes. Price Range: $20.00-$1,000.00

15 Wireless AP Continued Modem Wireless AP Laptop Computer

16 Hub Switch Gateway Bridge Gateway Hub Computer Router Firewall Wireless AP Computer

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