NGAO Meeting #5 Introduction NGAO Meeting #5 Peter Wizinowich March 7, 2007.

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1 NGAO Meeting #5 Introduction NGAO Meeting #5 Peter Wizinowich March 7, 2007

2 2 Welcome - Participants Telecon Attendees: –NGAO Executive Committee: Rich Dekany, Don Gavel, Claire Max, Peter Wizinowich –Sean Adkins, Brian Bauman, Antonin Bouchez, David Le Mignant, Mike Liu, Franck Marchis, Chris Neyman, Viswa Velur

3 3 Goals of Today’s Meeting Review Progress (management, science, performance budget & instrument updates) Review trade study reports

4 4 Meeting Agenda (PST times) 09:50 Welcome (& connections) 10:00 Management Report (Wizinowich) 10:30 Science Team Report (Max) 10:45 Systems Engineering Report (Dekany) 11:15 Performance Budget: Throughput & Emissivity (Bouchez) 11:45 TS Report: GLAO for non-NGAO instruments (Flicker) 12:15 TS Update: MOAO vs MCAO (Gavel) 12:45 Break 13:15 TS Report: Optical Relay (Bauman) 13:45 TS Report: NGAO vs Keck AO Upgrades (Wizinowich) 14:15 TS Report: Interferometry Support Options (Neyman) 14:45 TS Update: Rayleigh Rejection (Velur) 15:15 Upcoming tasks & milestones (Wizinowich) 15:30 Discussion: Issues pertaining to ongoing & upcoming work 16:00 Adjourn

5 NGAO System Design Phase Management Report NGAO Meeting #5 Peter Wizinowich March 7, 2007

6 6 Presentation Sequence SD Phase Tracking & Summary Work scope planning sheets status Milestones Status Meeting Tracking Posted documents Upcoming meetings Recommended March Priorities

7 7 System Design Phase Tracking Tracked (Excel) version of the plan posted at ePlanning/NGAO_SD_schedule_v20_tracked.xls ePlanning/NGAO_SD_schedule_v20_tracked.xls Excel version highlights what’s complete, what’s late, what’s due within next month & status of work scope planning sheets.

8 8 System Design Phase Tracking Summary 1 WBS 1. SD Phase Management –On-schedule –Still awaiting formal approval & proposal/fundraising deliverables from Directors –Mid-year replan 3/5-3/16 WBS 2.1. Science Requirements –1 work scope planning sheet approved. No others submitted. –5 science cases scheduled for completion by now. None completed. –3 scheduled for completion in March & 4 in April. –Versions 1 & 2 of the Science Case Requirements overdue Version 1 is 95% complete WBS 2.2-2.3. System Requirements Document –1 planning sheet approved, 2 late. –Version 1 complete. Version 2 due in March. Need more feedback, especially on science operations requirements. –Version 1&2 of traceability matrix late.

9 9 System Design Phase Tracking Summary 2 WBS 3.1.1. Performance Budgets –8 planning sheets approved, 1 submitted, 5 late. –Model assumptions. 1 on schedule & 3 late. –Model/tool validation. 2 complete & 2 late. –Performance budgets. 6 late & another 2 due in March. –Version 1 of summary late. WBS 3.1.2. Trade Studies –12 planning sheets approved, 1 needs changes, 11 late. –2 complete & 18 late. Another 4 should have started, but haven’t. WBS 3.1.3. System Architecture. –Version 1 should have started, but hasn’t. WBS 3.4. Science Operations –2 WBS elements should have been started pre-March, but haven’t & another 5 should start in Mar. WBS 3.5 Science Instruments –Only Interferometer started. 4 others should have been started & 1 is late. WBS 4 SEMP –Preliminary Design Phase Plan due by end of March.

10 10 NGAO SD Phase Milestones MILESTONEDATEDESCRIPTION SD SEMP Approved 10/9/06 Approval of this plan by the Directors. Initial SEMP version released to Directors for comment on 9/12 & final version on 9/29/06. SD phase contracts in place 10/27/06 Contracts issued to Caltech & UCSC for the system design phase. Science Requirements Summary v1.0 Release 10/27/06 Initial Release of the Science Requirements as input to trade studies and performance budgeting System Requirements Document (SRD) v1.0 Release 12/8/06 Initial release of System Requirements with emphasis on the science requirements Performance Budgets Summary v1.0 Release 2/27/07 First round of all performance budgets complete & documented SRD v2.0 Release 3/22/07 Second release of System Requirements Doc Trade Studies Complete 5/25/07 All trade studies complete & documented (as a series of Keck Adaptive Optics Notes) SRD v3.0 Release 7/12/07 Third release of System Requirements System Design Manual (SDM) v1.0 Release 8/31/07 First release of System Design Manual Technical Risk Analysis v1.0 Release 11/13/07 First round of project risk analysis complete & documented Cost Review Complete 11/30/07 Project cost estimates complete, documented & internally reviewed SDM v2.0 Release 1/8/07 Second release of System Design Manual System Design Review Package Distributed 3/4/08 SDR documents sent to reviewers System Design Review 3/31/08 SDR meeting SDR Report & Project Planning Presentation at SSC meeting 4/14/08 Final SD phase report including results of SDR & project plans

11 11 Meeting Tracking The tracked version of the action items from each meeting are posted near the top of the meeting page –Meeting 2 –Meeting 3 –Meeting 4 –The bulk of the action items are incomplete –Remember to look at these action items for action items on your presentation (that should be incorporated in the final KAON). The minutes & action items from the EC meetings are posted at

12 12 Posted KAONs 415 TMT site monitoring data (restricted access) 416 Atmospheric sodium density from Keck LGS photometry 417 Sodium abundance data from MAUI Mesosphere 419 Simple models for the prediction of Na LGS brightness & comparison to measured returns from the Gemini & Keck lasers 420 Accessing the MK TMT seeing & weather data 427 Variable vs fixed LGS asterism 428 Implications & requirements for interferometry with NGAO 429 LGS asterism geometry & size 452 MOAO vs MCAO trade study report (draft) 455 Science Case Requirements Document (Nov draft) 456 System Requirements Document v1.0 461 Wavefront error budget predictions & measured performance for current & upgraded Keck AO 462 Keck AO upgrade trade study (draft) 463 Lessons learned on LGS operations: weather impact, efficiency & science operations model 465 NGAO LGS wavefront sensor: Type & number of subapertures trade study (draft)

13 13 Upcoming Meetings NGAO Science Case meeting at CfAO retreat Mar. 28 –Need to determine if this meeting can go ahead SSC meeting Apr. 3 –2 nd project report to SSC & Observatory management Will need a written report Need financial reports from COO & UCO –We need to complete the Science Case Requirements v1.0 & Performance Budget Summary v1.0 milestones, & if possible the System Requirements v2.0 milestone –We need to show a plan to get on-track (this will be our mid-year replan) NGAO Team Meeting #6 Apr. 18 at UCSC –Need to post agenda –Need to find a better way to prepare for meetings. Materials should be posted several days before the meeting to allow pre-reading & more effective discussion at the meeting.

14 14 Team Meeting Calendar

15 15 PW Recommended Priorities for March (needs discussion) Complete mid-year replan –Include solutions to accelerate progress in the following areas: Science Case Requirements Performance Budgets & Trade Studies Science Instruments –Include revision to meeting goals (& potentially schedule) Complete milestones –V1.0 of Science Case Requirements & Performance Budget Summary Support Science Case meeting at the CfAO (3/28) Complete WBS elements that have been started –This includes completion as a KAON –Should include review by an EC member or their delegate –Don’t start any new WBS elements until you have completed these Project Report #2 ( due before Apr. 3 SSC meeting ) & SSC presentation

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