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 Today we are thinking about our favourite books.

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3  Today we are thinking about our favourite books.

4 Our favourite books:

5  Draw a picture of a scene from your favourite book.  Write the title of your favourite story and explain why it is your favourite.

6 My favourite book is__________ This is my favourite book because: __________________ __________________ __________________

7 Subject: RE Area of Study: An introduction to The Bible. Lesson: 1 Year Group: Year 1 Prior to the lesson ask children to bring to school their favourite books. Learning Objective To understand that books are important. Lesson Introduction Slide 1-cover slide Slide 2-Talk about the lesson objective. Slides 3-Children talk about their favourite books. Teacher writes some of the names of their favourite books on the slide Slide 4-Discuss the task Slide 5- Teacher models what is expected of the children. Lesson Activities Children draw a picture of their favourite book and write why its is their favourite book. Plenary Introduce the idea of the Bible being a special book.

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