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Embedded Assessment 2 Synthesis Essay.

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1 Embedded Assessment 2 Synthesis Essay

2 To what extent does a person’s culture inform the way he or she views others and the world?
Culture consistently informs the way one views the world and others. Culture rarely informs the way one views the world and others. Culture sometimes informs the way we view the world and others. Which do you agree with?

3 Remember, this should be YOUR idea! Don’t write a summary of each text.
This is an argument essay!

4 What is your position? . Which author is relevant to the conversation? Why? a Would he/she agree, disagree, or qualify your position? What specific examples could we use to support/refute our claim? (Include at least three.)

5 Create a list of texts that support your point of view.
Flip through Springboard to make your list. Narrow your list down to three top texts.

6 Synthesis Essay Requirements
Must be typed. 2 pages (4-5 paragraphs) / double-spaced / 12pt. Font (Times New Roman) / MLA format Must use three texts to support your argument. Must have a formal outline. Look through rubric. POINTS: 5 points for your outline! Essay= 50pts DUE DATES Essays due at the end of next class.

7 Tips & Reminders Don’t use “I” or “you” unless it’s a part of your hook. Avoid weak verbs (“it is…” “there are…” “this shows…” etc.) and vague words (“things,” “stuff,” etc.) Proofread carefully! Don’t lose points for formatting. Punctuate quotes properly and provide page number. EX: She says, “I never really understood my cultural identity” (Williams 58).

8 Introduction Needs to begin with a “hook.”
Grabs the attention of your reader. Anecdote (very short story), quote, questions, etc. This is the only part of your essay where you can use “I” or “you.” Provides background information. Needs an effective thesis statement. States your position on the issue (without saying “I believe…”) Introduce your three texts. Thesis generally comes at the end of your introduction.

9 Body Paragraphs Use a TAG (title, author, genre) statement
CQC- Claim. Quote. Commentary. Don’t forget to add your commentary after your textual evidence. Textual evidence Quote or Specific Example Concessions and refutations Be sure to address the other side of the argument. Part of grade.

10 Conclusion Restate your thesis using different words.
Make one last point or appeal to your audience Bring closure to your essay. The conclusion should be its own paragraph.

11 Consider the following questions as you plan your essay:
How will you organize your supporting ideas? Will your concessions and refutations be a separate paragraph from the supporting paragraphs? Or will concessions and refutations be incorporated into the paragraphs that offer explicit support for our claim? How will you create cohesion between paragraphs? (transitions) *You will type next class!

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