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Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Definition of your ideal customer 1Day, Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Definition of your ideal customer 1Day, Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Definition of your ideal customer 1Day, Session 4 Tijana Sekulic

2 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with The Ideal Customer Profile The Ideal Customer Profile is a description of the type of client who has proven to de-rive most value from using our product or service relative to the effort it takes us to complete the sale.

3 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with exercise Who do we serve? Write 3 characteristics of your best client 1

4 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with 5 Simple Steps to Creating an Ideal Customer Profile 1. Describe Your Customers 2. Locate Your Customers 3. Understand Their Purchasing Process 4. Connect with Current Customers 5. Create Client Profiles (Personas)

5 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with 1.Describe Your Customers Understand who your ideal customer is and what similarities they have. Define your customers with the following criteria: Demographics – their age, gender, income, etc. Psychographics – their personality type, preferences, etc. Behavior – their similar likes and dislikes, sports, hobbies, etc. 2.Locate Your Customers Find the places your customers are attracted to, whether a physical location or a cyber space where they gather. Where do they hang out? What do they read? Both online and offline? What do they search for online?

6 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with 3.Understand Their Purchasing Process Review the needs and benefits that make your customers purchase your product or service. Where do they begin their research? What is their problem or need? What are the benefits to finding a solution? 4.Connect with Current Customers Reach out to your current, ideal customers to gain additional insight into what made them select your business over others. Conduct interviews, formally or informally, and ask them: Why did you originally buy from our company? Why do you continue to buy from our company? What do we do that others don’t?

7 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with 5.Create Client Profiles (Personas) Create profiles that describe specific segments of your current clients. Ensure that the profiles are tangible, so that you can envision this person and what would motivate them to find your business. Describe your clients in written profiles, called personas Create a specific persona for each identifiable client group and name them Include images of ideal clients, either real or a hypothetical individual

8 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with 5 Simple Steps to Creating an Ideal Customer Profile Once you have completed these 5 simple steps you will have a clear picture of the type of customers your business should be targeting.

9 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Ideal Customer Profile Creating a strategy with these ideal customers in mind will help you avoid wasting time and resources on unsuccessful marketing efforts. Through focused and more consistent marketing communications, you’ll be able to better reach the new customers you need to take your business tothe next level.

10 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with exercise How do you see your customer? Divide into groups and draw how you see your customers (using symbols, not words) 2

11 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Bibliography for Day 1 1. Tanja Mamula, Inovacije u poslovanju i komunikaciji XXI vek (Innovation u business and communication in 21st century) PPP, Project Building Capacities and Promoting Innovativeness among Women Entrepreneurs, Association of Business Women in Serbia, March 2011- March 2012, project is funded by GIZ Tanja Mamula at all, Development of existing and introduction of new processes in firm, within firm and their value chainPPP, Integrated Innovation Support Programme, 2012- 2013, project funded by EU Internet sources: 2. Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix, 3. Internet sources: How to understand your customers’ needs and expectations. h ttp:// d_your_customer_needs_and_expectations.pdfs/managing-your-customer-relationships

12 Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Bibliography for Day 1 4. Test your Company Centricity companys-progress.html companys-progress.html 5. How to create a customer centric culture in your company 6. Customer Centric organization’s guiding principles organization organization Other resources to consider: All Marketers are Liars Made to Stick by Dan and Chip Heath Marketing 3.0 by Philip Kotler 15859492 15859492

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