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WWI: Background and Causes. Belle Epoch – Beaux Arts.

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Presentation on theme: "WWI: Background and Causes. Belle Epoch – Beaux Arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWI: Background and Causes

2 Belle Epoch – Beaux Arts

3 Nationalism: What is it? How does it make war more likely?

4 Nationalism:

5 Nationalism: Austria-Hungry

6 Nationalism Nationalism: devotion to national interests, identity, and/or independence One of the most powerful forces animating European politics in the 19 th /c. Prussia under Bismarck would unify Germany in 1872 through the conquest of France in the Franco-Prussian war. Kaiser is named ruler of all Germany in the “Hall of Mirrors” to rub France’s face in her humiliation Germany became at once the most powerful nation in Europe and aggressive War was a big part of her story Austria-Hungry: the other nationalism! Is nationalism a good or bad thing? Do we foster too little or too much?

7 Imperialism

8 How could the 19 th /C. scramble for African and Asian colonies contribute to war? Fosters an international climate of rivalry Fosters political conceptions informed by social Darwinism, exaggerated nationalism, and easy military victory Wilhelm II would pursue a “World Policy” so his Germany could rival Britain-oddly in an attempt to win closer alliance with Britain Cartoon depicts the “2 nd Algerian Crises where Kaiser Wilhelm II sends German warship into a French colony and stirs up trouble? What are German intentions? Can she be trusted? What are her capabilities and can we live with them?

9 Militarism

10 General Brunhardi: Germany & the Next War APPARTS For S, discuss what militarism is and how it makes war very likely when societies embrace militarism

11 Militarism Glorifying the military and military power and focusing societies energies for the purpose of war fighting Gen. Bernhardi: ecstatic belief in social Darwinism and progress through war All European states were militarized with universal conscription Wilhelm particularly was animated by marshal values and experiences Germany began a policy of naval construction in the 1890’s that forced Britain to seek alliance with France & Russia in the early 20/c. and a massive arms race Do more weapons and military power always make us safer?

12 Alliances

13 Bismarck had always carefully maintained his “rule of three” “World Policy” and Battleship building pushed Britain to alliance with France and Russia – Called the Triple Entente – in the first decade of the 20 th /c. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire put Austria and Russia into conflict and Germany in the middle How do Alliances make war more likely – how less likely? Shade the two alliance systems on your map

14 Kaiser Wilhelm from: “The Great War, Vol. #1” What kinds of issues did Kaiser Wilhelm have? How could these traits and experiences have destabilized Europe in the era before WWI? –Militarism as a fetish –Navel Envy –Rule of 3

15 Assassination

16 Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand People of the Balkans are largely Slavic (like Russia) ethnically but had been ruled by the Muslim Ottoman Turks for centuries Austria had snatched Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1878 from Turks and played the Russians By 1913 the Balkans were newly independent countries with Serbia being the largest and dominant Slavic Bosnians wish to join (nationalism) Serbia to form an all Slavic greater Serbia Toward that end a 19 year old terrorist/patriot shot Archduke Ferdinand on 28 June 1914 (an interesting story) Label the concatenation of ensuing events on your map

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