HOUSE BILL 5 UPDATE. Curriculum Graduation Plans Endorsement Pathways College Readiness requirements Accountability Community and Student Engagement Student.

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2 Curriculum Graduation Plans Endorsement Pathways College Readiness requirements Accountability Community and Student Engagement Student Achievement Data – STAAR and STAAR EOC Assessment Benchmark tests Limit Classroom interruptions and pull outs Targeted intervention HB5 OVERVIEW – 3 MAJOR AREAS

3 CURRICULUM Graduation Plans Endorsement Pathways College Readiness

4 HOUSE BILL 5 GRADUATION PLAN CHANGES Previous High School Program (HSP)New Foundation Program - 22 credits for all students with an opportunity for: Minimum (MHSP) Recommended (RHSP) Distinguished (DAP) Endorsements - Distinguished Level of Achievement; and/or Performance Acknowledgements.

5 22-credit Foundation Program  17 specified credits + 5 electives 26-credit Endorsements  19 specified credits + 7 electives 26-credit Distinguished Level of Achievement  19 specified credits, including Algebra II + 7 electives For ANY student:  Performance Acknowledgements HOUSE BILL 5 GRADUATION PLAN STUDENT OPTIONS See handout for additional details

6 A student may earn a distinguished level of achievement by completing:  4 credits in mathematics, which must include Algebra II;  4 credits in Science;  The remaining curriculum requirements; and  At least one endorsement Students must earn Distinguished Level of Achievement in order to be eligible for Top 7% Automatic Admission to institutions of higher education. GRADUATION PLAN – DISTINGUISHED LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT

7 Performance requirements are determined by State Board of Education Any student may earn a performance acknowledgement  In a dual credit course  In bilingualism and biliteracy  On an AP test or IB exam  On the PSAT, the ACT-Plan, the SAT, or the ACT,  For earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license EARNING A PERFORMANCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT UPON GRADUATION See handout: Performance Acknowledgement for details

8 A student can graduate under the Foundation Program without an endorsement if, after his/her sophomore year:  The student and the parent are advised by the counselor of the specific benefits of graduating from high school with one or more endorsements; and  The student’s parent files with the school counselor written permission (on a TEA developed form) allowing the student to graduate under the Foundation High School Program without an endorsement. FOUNDATION GRADUATION PLAN GRADUATION WITHOUT AN ENDORSEMENT

9 Our current 8 th graders: A student shall specify in writing an endorsement the student intends to earn upon entering grade 9 Flexibility: A district shall permit students to enroll in courses under more than one endorsement before the junior year and to choose, at any time, to earn an endorsement other than previously indicated Endorsement Pathways: Districts may define advanced courses and determine a coherent sequence of courses for an endorsement area. HOUSE BILL 5 THE BIRTH OF ENDORSEMENTS

10 PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN LOCKHART ISD AND AUSTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE HB5 directs that school districts must partner with at least one Institute of Higher Education (IHE) to develop college prep courses in math and ELA for 12th grade students who do not meet college readiness standards or whose performance indicates they are not ready to perform entry-level college coursework. College readiness is determined by a range of criteria including: ACT/SAT scores, a state developed Texas Success Initiative (TSI) assessment, and performance in dual credit classes. Students who have not demonstrated college readiness by start of senior year will take the two IHE/Lockhart developed classes.

11 ACCOUNTABILITY IMPLICATIONS Community and Student Engagement Financial Responsibility Student Achievement Data

12 HB 5 — School District Evaluation of Performance in Community & Student Engagement

13 HB 5 HB 5 made sweeping changes:  Reduced the number of EOCs from 15 to 5  Created new graduation plans  Foundation plan plus 5 endorsement options (STEM, B&I, A&H, Public Services, Multidisciplinary Studies)  Created Community and Student Engagement Accountability Rating (TEC 39.0545 – Section 46 of HB 5)

14 WHY ARE WE HERE? In 2011 and in 2013 legislators were hearing from parents, students, teachers, administrators, local business groups, school boards and others that there was an over- emphasis on standardized testing They weren’t asking for the elimination of standardized testing, just reducing the over-emphasis Standardized test scores don’t provide a comprehensive view of all that students are learning and achieving

15 WHAT IS TEC 39.0545? TEC 39.0545  Requires each district to evaluate the district’s performance and the performance of each campus in the district on community and student engagement (8 factors) and in policy compliance (1 factor)  Requires every district to assign itself and each campus a rating of exemplary, recognized, acceptable or unacceptable for both overall performance and each evaluation factor  Districts must submit ratings to TEA and make publically available August 8 of each year (2013-14)

16 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF TEC 39.0545? To evaluate community and student engagement Districts and campuses can showcase where they are excelling and where there is room for improvement To tell the story of what is happening in districts and on campuses when it’s not a test day An opportunity to highlight community values, which are varied across the state and sometimes within a district

17 NINE FACTORS TO BE EVALUATED 1.Fine arts 2.Wellness and physical education 3.Community and parent involvement 4.21st Workforce development program 5.2nd language acquisition 6.Digital language acquisition program 7.Dropout prevention strategies 8.Educational programs for GT students 9.Compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements

18 WHAT NEXT? Districts must use criteria developed by a local committee to evaluate The performance of the district and campus programs in the 8 evaluation factors and compliance with statutory reporting and policies Districts must create the local committee that will develop the criteria

19 FINANCIAL IMPACT OVERVIEW CTE Certification Exams Removal of barriers to student subsidy for CTE certification exams Districts can pay the certification fee and be reimbursed. Science Lab Grants next year 2014-2015 Districts must demonstrate that the existing science labs are insufficient in number to comply with the curriculum requirements for Distinguished Level of Achievement

20 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT DATA – END OF COURSE (EOC) EXAMS AT HIGH SCHOOL  5 required EOC exams  English I & English II  Reading and Writing combined by Spring 2014  Algebra I  U.S. History  Biology

21 INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT – FOCUS ON ACADEMICS Benchmark tests Classroom interruptions and pull outs Targeted intervention

22 HB5 – A FOCUS ON ACADEMICS: INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT Attendance: Students must be present 90% for credit. Limited Interruptions: Only 1 per day unless safety need Limited diagnostic testing: Only 2 per tested subject area Limited pull out: Less than 10% of the class time without parent consent

23 1.Business and Industry 2.Public Services 3.Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) 4.Arts and Humanities 5.Multidisciplinary Studies Lockhart ISD has Programs of Study within all Endorsement Areas LOCKHART ISD ENDORSEMENTS

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