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You’re beginning graduate school... Watch: AJ3MLI Discuss: What advice have you received so far from peers, colleagues,

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2 You’re beginning graduate school... Watch: AJ3MLI Discuss: What advice have you received so far from peers, colleagues, mentors or professors/advisors already?

3 This session will provide information/advice/resources for the emerging scholar, focusing on developing and maintaining professional relationships across three major areas: Department University Discipline

4 Communicating and Collaborating in your Department Advisor, Faculty, Committee, & Peers Advisors Mentoring role Authority Personal vs. professional relationships Delicate balance Research: Topics Publications (i.e. manuscripts, book reviews, op- ed etc.) Scholarly Journals (i.e. impact factor, peer reviewed) Collaborations

5 Faculty Personal vs. professional relationships Research & Collaborations Authorship Committee members Selecting your committee members Research & Collaborations Peers Future colleagues Research & Collaborations Reaching out for advice

6 S ourcing and Securing Resources at the University Level Graduate Studies Funding opportunities (grants, awards, fellowships) Socials and networking Graduate Professional and Academic Development (GPAD) Graduate Student Senate (GSS) Travel (international and domestic) Funding Research Awards Organization funding Representation Research Symposium

7 Faculty Professional Development Center (FPDC) PD focused around development of teaching and teaching/learning related scholarship University Libraries Your subject/research librarian = your BFF

8 Establishing yourself in your discipline Joining and participating in your state/national organizations and governing bodies (discipline specific) Grad student membership and funding Grad student programs, Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Conferences and professional institutes Joining and participating in trans-disciplinary organizations Often related to research methodologies, philosophical approaches, etc. Mentorship outside of your field (broad mentoring) Connecting with diverse scholars and student interests Conferences, SIGs, and professional institutes *Both offer chances to serve on committees, including potential for journal/grant review experience

9 Making the most of conferences/institutes Introductions and asking questions Functions/dinners Connecting and following up Reaching out Make the most of academic “families” Reference potential partnerships General rule: Follow-up once and then let it go Establishing a web presence The Google Test Your updated CV, first drafts of your work, or anything else to help colleagues and potential employers understand your research, teaching, and skill profiles.

10 Discussion Hopefully you “love what you do”, but graduate school is also a means to an end (a more advanced degree and career, etc.) that takes planning and intention. Consider: “As a graduate student, your fate is in your own hands, and every decision you make—including whether to go to graduate school at all, which program to go to, which adviser to choose, and how to conduct yourself while there— can and should be made with an eye to the job you wish to have at the end.” (Kelsky, 2012) What professional concerns do you have as you begin your graduate school journey?

11 Graduate Studies estudies estudies Graduate Student Senate estudies/gss estudies/gss University Libraries Faculty Professional Development Center The Chronicle of Higher Education Inside Higher Ed Resources

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