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Today Students Will: Participate in role play activities and create a flow chart to depict the details and significance of the following Supreme Court.

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Presentation on theme: "Today Students Will: Participate in role play activities and create a flow chart to depict the details and significance of the following Supreme Court."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today Students Will: Participate in role play activities and create a flow chart to depict the details and significance of the following Supreme Court cases: Marbury v. Madison McCulloch v. Maryland

2 Warm UP:  What is judicial review?  What does the supremacy clause mean for our government?

3 Landmark Supreme Court Cases Marbury v. Madison McCulloch v. Maryland

4 Marbury v. Madison: Case Background  Election of 1800  Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic-Republican Party replace John Adams and the Federalist Party  Adams nominates dozens of federal judges but does not deliver all commissions  Jefferson refuses to deliver them via James Madison when he takes office

5 Marbury v. Madison Constitutional Issue  John Marbury petitioned the S.C. for a petition of mandamus to force Madison to deliver his commission.  Could the Supreme Court force the Executive Branch to take such action?

6 Marbury v. Madison Questions Before the Court  Was Marbury legally appointed?  Yes  Was the Judiciary Act of 1789—the law that gave the court power to issue a writ—legal?  NO

7 Marbury v. Madison The Decision By declaring the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional, the Supreme Court established its right to review the actions of the other two branches.

8 McCulloch v. Maryland Case Background  In 1816, Congress established the Second National Bank.  States opposed the opening of branches throughout the country.

9 McCulloch v. Maryland Constitutional Issue  Maryland passed a $1500 tax on the bank which James McCulloch of the Baltimore branch refused to pay.  McCulloch was sued by MD and took his case to the Supreme Court

10 McCulloch v. Maryland Questions Before the Court  Did the Congress have the power to establish a bank?  Yes  Did Maryland have the power to tax the National Bank?  No

11 McCulloch v. Maryland The Decision  Supreme Court ruling base on the elastic and supremacy clauses.  It could be deemed “necessary and proper” that Congress create a bank and because the national govt is supreme, MD had no right to tax it.

12 Learning Log  Which of the Supreme Court cases discussed in class today do you think had the greatest impact on the development of U.S. Government?  Explain your choice!

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