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2 FRED FATHERS READING EVERY DAY 18 th November, 2013 at Cator Street Charles Rice from the Fatherhood Institute facilitated FRED training. The Fatherhood Institute is the UK’s fatherhood think tank FRED originates from Texas, USA Fathers are reading less and less with their children Early Years settings and schools are increasingly aware of the importance of engaging Fathers/Father figures in their children’s learning and development

3 FRED FATHERS READING EVERY DAY High levels of interest by a Father in his child’s schooling and education are associated with improved outcomes, including: o Better exam / test / class results o Higher educational qualifications o Greater progress at nursery/school o More enjoyment of nursery/school o Higher educational expectations o Better behaviour and reduced risk of suspension or expulsion

4 FRED FATHERS READING EVERY DAY Question: What can Fathers/Father figures do to make a positive impact? Answer: Participate in the 4 week reading programme….

5 FRED FATHERS READING EVERY DAY Fathers in early years settings to engage with a 4 week programme designed to help them get into the habit of reading daily with their children. Father figures, e.g; Grandfather, Uncle, or male family friends are equally welcome to engage in this process. They will be given a logbook to record reading materials and length of time spent reading 4-week programme: o First 2 weeks: Fathers/Father figures to read to their child at least 5 minutes a day o Second 2 weeks: Fathers/Father figures to increase time for reading to 10 minutes a day

6 FRED FATHERS READING EVERY DAY Parents/carers unable to attend the launch party will be registered and given FRED packs as soon as possible FRED details to be added to Ann Bernadt website for easy access and recommended book lists to be made available Fathers to be encouraged to make use of book lending and visit local libraries with their children.

7 FRED FATHERS READING EVERY DAY Red Room to be made available as a quiet space for Fathers (and Mothers/Carers) to read to their children before they depart for the day.

8 FRED FATHERS READING EVERY DAY We would welcome Fathers and Mothers coming into Ann Bernadt to read to children in their home languages. It is important to remember that stories can be told with props or using picture books.

9 FRED FATHERS READING EVERY DAY At the end of the four-week period, Fathers total up the number of books and the amount of time spent reading to their children over the course of the program Upon completing the program, Fathers and their children are invited to attend a party to celebrate their participation in FRED: Monday 3 rd November at 1.45pm. At that time, they are asked to turn in their reading logs and complete an exit survey

10 FRED FATHERS READING EVERY DAY Over 6,000 Fathers and children from 77 Texas Counties have participated in the FRED program since 2002. Outcomes from the programme are very positive. Participants who completed the program averaged approximately 9 hours of reading time with their children and read nearly 40 books FRED improves children’s reading accuracy, comprehension and rate of reading; their writing; and their behaviour. It can also improve attainment in maths. Significantly it establishes wider engagement with Fathers

11 FRED FATHERS READING EVERY DAY To learn more about FRED and other projects promoting Father-inclusiveness please visit the following Fatherhood Institute websites:


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