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51. Ratify means to approve by vote. Great. Now that we have all signed the Constitution, will the states vote for it? YES! Sweet! Now the Constitution.

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2 51. Ratify means to approve by vote. Great. Now that we have all signed the Constitution, will the states vote for it? YES! Sweet! Now the Constitution is RATIFIED! Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

3 52. Amend means to change. As in amend the Constitution so it works better. Amendment = change to the Constitution I can amend the Amendments ! Amend amend Amendment Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

4 53. is passed when 2/3 of Congress (House & Senate) and ¾ of the state legislatures vote in favor of that amendment. 2/3 3/4 Constitutional Amendment Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

5 54. The Bill of Rights - 1st ten amendments to the Constitution -- designed to protect our individual liberties. Bill of Rights Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

6 55. The First Amendment Protects the freedom of… Religion Assembly Press Petition Speech Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

7 56. The 2nd Amen – “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 2 nd Amendment I sure wish I had a gun! Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction I have the right to bear arms! Grrrr!

8 Addressed the grievance of the Quartering Act 57. The 3rd Amendment - "No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law." This place looks great!! I think I’ll move in. 3 rd Amendment Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

9 8th Amendment - “ Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, no cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” 58. Due process – how laws are enforced fairly… For example… 4th Amendment - no illegal search or seizure. 5th Amendment - no self-incrimination, no double jeopardy, and no loss of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. 6th Amendment - the right to a speedy trial, a lawyer, to cross examine witnesses, and the right to force witnesses at a trial to testify. 7th Amendment - the right to a jury trial in civil suits. Due process Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

10 59. The 9th Amendment - “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” WOW!! That means I get even more rights than what is in the Bill of Rights?!?!? That Flippin’ Rocks!! 9 th Amendment: You must right this down too! Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

11 60. The 10th Amendment – “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Meaning… 10 th Amendment Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

12 61. George Washington’s service as president of the U.S. was an example of. He accepted the presidency because he felt it was his duty to serve the people, rather than retire to his plantation. civic virtue ‘to render service to my country in obedience to its call…’ -George Washington Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

13 62. Alexander Hamilton: a leader of the Federalists, first Treasurer of the United States, and creator of the Bank of the U.S. - killed in a duel by the V. P. of the U. S. You lie Tom!! The national government must be strong & the bank’s a great idea. The bank is unconstitutional. Power to the states & may my V.P. shoot you dead! Alexander Hamilton Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

14 63. The following Supreme Court cases, ruled by Chief Justice John Marshall, helped to strengthen the power of the federal government over the states. Gibbons v. Ogden(1824) McCulloch v. Maryland(1819) Use of the elastic clause Federal government regulates interstate trade Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

15 64. Free Enterprise is an economic system where citizens are free to choose how to make a living, with very little government intrusion. Free Enterprise Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

16 65. President Washington demonstrated the increased power of the by sending the army to stop the Whiskey Rebellion. Federal government Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

17 66. The first were formed as a result of disagreements over the powers of the federal government between Hamilton and Jefferson. Political parties Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

18 67. George Washington’s Farewell Address advised the United States to stay “neutral in its relations with other nations” and to avoid “entangling alliances”. The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.... - George Washington’s Farewell Address George Washington Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

19 68. President Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803. Louisiana Territory Sold! To the United States for $15 million! Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

20 69. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, became the 3rd President of the United States and purchased the Louisiana territory, doubling the size of the United States. Thomas Jefferson Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

21 70. was the 1803 Court decision that gave the Supreme Court the power of judicial review - the right to determine whether a law violates the Constitution. John Marshall’s ruling established judicial review. Yo, dawg! You can’t stop me from becoming a judge! I guess we will decide this on the court! Marbury v. Madison John Marshall 1 st Chief Justice Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

22 Impressment71. British (forcing people to serve in a foreign country’s army or navy) resulted in the Embargo Act, which banned trade with all foreign countries and hurt the U.S. economy. Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

23 72. was fought between the United States and England. Causes of the war included impressment, seizing of American ships, and British encouragement of Indian attacks. The War of 1812 Tecumseh Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

24 Andrew Jackson American casualties – 71 British - 2,000 73. was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812, and later became the 7 th president of the United States. Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

25 74. James Monroe: 5 th President & author of the Monroe Doctrine, which shut down the western hemisphere to European expansion or interference. I wrote it ‘cause I’m smrt. But I was prez, so the credit go to me! John Quincy Adams Sec. of State James Monroe: Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

26 75. Industrial Revolution: industry changed from the production of goods at home (cottage industry) to factory production using powered machinery. Boott Mill, Lowell Mass. Industrial Revolution Super STAAR 130 Greatest American History Facts: Colonization thru Reconstruction

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