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What do you want to achieve through Neighbourhood Planning? Clive Keble MRTPI Planning Aid England Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you want to achieve through Neighbourhood Planning? Clive Keble MRTPI Planning Aid England Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you want to achieve through Neighbourhood Planning? Clive Keble MRTPI Planning Aid England Advisor

2 Programme 2 Introductions – 5 minutes Some simple(?) questions – 2 minutes Purpose of a Neighbourhood Plan/other neighbourhood planning tools – 5 minutes Is it right for you & your area? – 3 minutes Group exercise – The Matrix – 15 minutes Feedback & discussion – 15 minutes

3 3 Questions – answers by a show of hands Can you alter the Green Belt with a Neighbourhood Plan? Can you allocate sites for new housing through a Neighbourhood Plan? Can you generate funds for local development through a Neighbourhood plan? We will tally up the “Votes” and return to the answers after the group exercise. 3

4 Purpose of a Neighbourhood Plan 1.Increase local influence on Planning matters 2.To plan positively to support local development and shaping and directing this development - outside strategic elements of the Local Plan 3.Together with the Local Plan, allow for planning decisions to be made with a high degree of predictability and efficiency NPs form part of the “Development Plan.” Applications should be determined in accordance with Development Plan unless material considerations dictate otherwise. This is a fundamental aspect of planning. 4

5 What is a Neighbourhood Plan? Allows and directs community supported development through a statutory legal document Empowers communities and businesses to shape development in their neighbourhood About “Local” rather than “Strategic” matters A truly democratic process A flexible no ‘one size fits all’ approach Can be as ambitious or as simple as the community desires (one policy or 100!) 5

6 What are other Neighbourhood Planning tools? Neighbourhood Development Orders - An order granted by community granting planning permission for certain types of development Community Right to Build Orders - An order made by community allowing them to bring forward small development for housing, business or community facilities 6

7 But what do you need? Preparing an NP will not be right for all communities, sometimes it is as valuable to decide that something is not what you want as it is to just go ahead regardless. We think that NPs are good things – but not in all circumstances! NDOs and CRtB may be the answer, but maybe not? The following exercise will help you to decide what is right for you and your community 7

8 Group exercise Using a matrix to see what we can (and cannot*) achieve through a Neighbourhood Plan. (* Don’t worry we will suggest how you can deal with non-planning issues) 8

9 9 Issues Tools for the Job Objecting to a planning application Getting more 1-2 bed homes built in our area Lowering the speed limit/traffic manageme nt on our roads Changing the boundary of the green belt Improving employment opportunities Designating Local Green Spaces Identifying & Protecting Local Heritage Assets (non – statutory) Local Plan Planning Enforcement Neighbourhood Plan Planning Condition Community Right To Build Order /Community Rights Neighbourhood Development Order County Council/Local Transport Plan Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Intellectual property of Planning Aid England, RTPI, 41 Botolph Lane, London EC3R 8DL. For free, independent advice on planning issues contact us on 0330 123 9244 or Website Registered Charity Number: 262865 Scottish Registered Charity Number: SC 037841

10 Thank you - any questions or comments? Clive Keble 07889 541954 National Advice Line: 0330 123 9244 Email: Web: 10

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