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Warm Up 4/4. Plant Quiz  You may use your lab!!

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 4/4. Plant Quiz  You may use your lab!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 4/4

2 Plant Quiz  You may use your lab!!

3 Don’t forget – Plant Project is Due 4/10  For the next activity, everyone needs a pair of scissors.

4 Ecosystem Interactions  Cut out and glue the vocabulary words IN THIS ORDER into a column in your spiral. Be sure to leave room for the definition and example to the right of the word.  Biotic  Abiotic  Population Density  Population Growth  Exponential Growth  Logistic Growth  Carrying Capacity  Density-Independent Limiting Factor  Density-Dependent Limiting Factor  Ecological Succession  Primary Succession  Secondary Succession

5 Ecosystem Interactions  Cut out the definitions.  Match them up to the words, do the best you can.  Now cut out the examples.  Match them up to the words, do the best you can.  We will be going over this in class.  DON’T GLUE TILL YOU KNOW IT’S RIGHT!

6 Ecosystem Interactions & Populations

7 Biotic Factors  Biological influences that include the entire living cast of characters in which an organism might interact  Examples: bacteria, plants, bullfrogs, birds, Mrs. Vohl, Chupacabra

8 Abiotic factors  Physical or nonliving factors that shape ecosystems  Examples: wind, hurricanes, soil, temperature, light, this classroom

9 Population Density  The number of individuals per unit area

10 Population Growth  # of births, # of deaths & # of people leaving and/or entering Population Immigration Emigration

11 Exponential Growth  Reproduction at a constant rate; unlimited resources

12 Logistic Growth  Population growth slows or stops after exponential growth; limited resources

13 Carrying Capacity  The largest number of individuals that a given environment can support


15 Density-Independent Limiting Factors  Causes population to decrease regardless of population size  Weather, natural disasters, human activities

16 Density-Dependent Limiting Factors  Causes population growth to decrease when density is high

17 Types of Density-Dependent Factors 1. Competition 2. Predation 3. Parasitism & Disease

18 Ecological Succession  A series of predictable changes that occurs in a community over time  Can be caused by slow changes in the physical environment or a sudden natural disturbance from human activity (clearing a forest)

19 Primary Succession  Succession that occurs on surfaces where no soil exists (volcanic eruptions)  The pioneer species on volcanic rocks are often lichens (combination of fungus and algae)

20 Secondary Succession  A disturbance of some kind changes an existing community without removing the soil

21 Password Review Link

22 Succession Reading and Worksheet  You have a class set of a reading that talks about succession happening in a pond.  Read the information and answer the questions.

23 Cool Down  What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?  What is the difference between density-dependent and density-independent limiting factors? Give an example of each.  Clean up!  Put your scissors and glue sticks away.  Throw away your trash.  Leave your table tidy!

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