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Animate alice I AM 16 YEARS OLD. My name is Alice. I am 16 years old.

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2 Animate alice

3 I AM 16 YEARS OLD. My name is Alice. I am 16 years old.

4 I'm hanging from a tree about to fall to my death. Then I start falling! Mum catches me in a big green net made of vines, but what shook the tree?

5 Then I saw someone, was that a berca? I haven't seen anyone for 3 years. We are stranded on a island after all. Mum hears gun shots coming from the hut & the next thing I know mum disappears into the bushes. So I quickly run back to the hut.

6 When I got back dad was lying dead on the floor. mum is missing. I find a note on my bed it said leave all your money at the bottom of the tree where you fell & you will get your mum back you have 24 hours.

7 Then I hear a voice talking. It was brad but how. I don’t have the programming.

8 He told me to go hand to hand swapseas & if that backfires you know what to do. Then a cat shaped bomb came flying through The window & hit me on the leg. Instead of making ticking sounds it meows. It really gets on your nerve.

9 I go to the safe with all Our money in it but only mum knows the password. I tried mums name & it opened.

10 I pack a bag with a couple of things in it List: Anti-venom Bandaid Bandage The bomb & money & I go on my way.

11 So snakes don’t like anti-venom either. I fell over & cut my arm then the bomb says I have 5 minuets. So I ditch it. Then a monkey swings down & takes the bag. Luckily I have a tracker on the bag & I’m carrying my player.

12 I found the bag in the tree where I fell. So it took me to where I wanted to go so I grabbed the bag karate chopped the guy & grabbed my mum. When we got back to the hut we Could see a boat on the horizon. I thought of home.

13 Websites Imogen.W

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