Chapter Intro 2 The Atlantic Slave Trade How did European expansion and the slave trade affect the people of Africa?

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1 Chapter Intro 2 The Atlantic Slave Trade How did European expansion and the slave trade affect the people of Africa?

2 Section 3-Main Idea The BIG Idea Competition Among Countries Portugal and Spain reaped profits from the natural resources and products of their Latin American colonies.

3 Section 3 Colonial Empires in Latin America The Portuguese and Spanish built colonial empires in Latin America and profited from the resources and trade of their colonies.

4 Section 3 In the 1500s, Portugal controlled Brazil, while Spain’s colonial possessions included parts of North America, Central America, and most of South America. The area of Central and South America became known as Latin America, and a unique social class system emerged. Colonial Empires in Latin America (cont.)

5 Section 3 Colonial Latin America Social Order: –Peninsulares: Officials born in Europe; held all important government positions.Peninsulares –Creoles: Descendants of Europeans born in Latin America; they controlled business and land.Creoles –Mestizos: The offspring of European and Native American intermarriage.Mestizos Colonial Empires in Latin America (cont.)

6 Section 3 –Mulattoes: The offspring of Africans and Europeans.Mulattoes –Above groups conquered Native Americans and enslaved Africans. Colonial Empires in Latin America (cont.)

7 Section 3 Europeans utilized the Native Americans as labor. They used the encomienda system to sustain a viable labor force. labor Gold and silver from the colonies offered immediate wealth to the Europeans. Products, such as tobacco, sugar, and animal hides were traded to Europe in return for finished products. Colonial Empires in Latin America (cont.)

8 Section 3 To control their colonial possessions in the Americas, Portugal and Spain used governor- generals to develop a bureaucracy and carry out imperial policies. Catholic missionaries were also instrumental in converting and maintaining order within the colonial territories. Colonial Empires in Latin America (cont.)

9 A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 3 How did the Spanish and Portuguese monarchs control their colonial possessions? A.By appointing Native Americans as local rulers B.By appointing Europeans to governor-general positions C.By maintaining a large army D.By paying tribute to the local Native American rulers

10 VS 1 EARLY EXPLORATION of West Africa, India, and the Americas (SUMMARY) Motivated by religious zeal, gold, and glory, Europeans began to explore distant lands. The Portuguese sailed east around Africa to India. Spanish ships sailed west to the Americas. Spanish conquistadors seized lands ruled by the Aztec and Inca. Diseases introduced by Spanish explorers killed much of the Native American population. By the late 1600s, the Dutch, French, and English entered the rivalry for new lands and trade.

11 VS 2 AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE of Europe, Asia, and the Americas (SUMMARY) Before the new exploration, the primary market for enslaved Africans had been Southwest Asia. The demand for plantation laborers in the Americas greatly increased slave trade. Enslaved Africans were part of the triangular trade between Europe, Africa and Asia, and the Americas. In Africa, the slave trade led to increased warfare, depopulation, and the deterioration of society.

12 VS 3 COLONIAL EMPIRES of Latin America (SUMMARY) The Portuguese and Spanish profited from their colonial empires in Latin America. Peninsulares were the top social class, followed by creoles, mestizos and mulattoes, and finally enslaved Africans and Native Americans. Catholic missionaries spread across the Americas to try to Christianize Native Americans.

13 A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 2 Which group condemned slavery and began an anti-slavery movement in Europe? A.Beninnites B.French Revolutionary Society C.Society of Friends D.European Anti-Slavery Coalition

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