GCSE Russian You’ll need to adapt this, because it contains some reminders for my pupils about useful materials they have been given.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE Russian You’ll need to adapt this, because it contains some reminders for my pupils about useful materials they have been given."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE Russian You’ll need to adapt this, because it contains some reminders for my pupils about useful materials they have been given.


3 Complex grammar The winning ingredients...

4 Complex grammar The winning ingredients...

5 Complex grammar The winning ingredients...

6 Complex grammar The winning ingredients...

7 Complex grammar The winning ingredients...

8 Complex grammar The winning ingredients...

9 Complex grammar The winning ingredients...

10 Complex grammar Complex grammar The winning ingredients...

11 Tenses It’s very important to look for opportunities to use 3 tenses in each piece of writing

12 Tenses You have paper copies of most of these files and they are also stored on the Student User Area / the Portal. Look in Y9, Y10 and Y11 Filenames: Russian verb system The present tense How to form the past tense The future tense To be able To want The conditional When to use infinitives Past weather It’s very important to look for opportunities to use 3 tenses in each piece of writing

13 Time expressions  Create ‘time layers’ in your writing by using time expressions.

14 Time expressions  Create ‘time layers’ in your writing by using time expressions.  See the sheet in your exercise book entitled Frequently-used Russian Words. It’s also in the Student User Area and on the Portal.

15 Time expressions  Create ‘time layers’ in your writing by using time expressions.  See the sheet in your exercise book entitled Frequently-used Russian Words. It’s also in the Student User Area and on the Portal.  It has 34 time expressions on it.

16 Time expressions  Create ‘time layers’ in your writing by using time expressions.  See the sheet in your exercise book entitled Frequently-used Russian Words. It’s also in the Student User Area and on the Portal.  It has 34 time expressions on it.  If you can think of any more, please tell me so that I can amend the sheet

17 Appropriate vocabulary  GCSE writing tasks are all based on a topic (e.g. Holidays, Shopping, School).

18 Appropriate vocabulary  GCSE writing tasks are all based on a topic (e.g. Holidays, Shopping, School).  Make sure you know the key words for each topic, e.g. School: teacher, pupil, classroom, subject, homework, lessons, names of subjects, to study, to prefer, etc.

19 Appropriate vocabulary  GCSE writing tasks are all based on a topic (e.g. Holidays, Shopping, School).  Make sure you know the key words for each topic, e.g. School: teacher, pupil, classroom, subject, homework, lessons, names of subjects, to study, to prefer, etc.  Use the vocabulary sheets called Revision vocabulary 1 and Revision vocabulary 2 (on the Student User Area)

20 Description  Learn plenty of adjectives. See the PowerPoint called Beat the Mouse adjectives on the Student User Area. Keep a note of your score and try to beat it. If you learn all the ones in the game, you can add more adjectives to it yourself.  ‘Description’ is not just about adjectives; it’s about adding detail. Here are some other ways: Я была в торговом центре, который находится за городом. Мы живём на улице, где есть два ресторана.

21 Opinions & reasons Remember to say what you think AND why you think it. Here are some examples. Я люблю читать журналы, потому что я интересуюсь модой. Я не хотела смотреть телевизор, потому что я делала уроки. Мне не нравится физкультура, потому что мне трудно. Она хорошая подруга, потому что она добрая. Я думаю, что концерт был плохой, потому что они плохо пели. Уроки скучные, потому что мы всё время читаем. Шеффилд ― хороший город, потому что он очень зелёный Мне понравилась поездка во Францию, потому что было жарко. Было трудно, потому что я не люблю мясо. Я считаю, что лучше жить на юге Англии, потому что теплее.

22 Complex grammar BECAUSEЯ изучаю русский язык, потому что я хочу работать в России. I study Russian because I want to study in Russia. WHEN Я жила в Бристоле, когда мне было пять лет. I lived in Bristol when I was five. WHEREЯ не знала, где моя сумка.I didn’t know where my bag was. WHICHТам есть ресторан, который называется Нандос. There’s a restaurant there called Nandos. IFЭто хорошая школа, если ты любишь спорт. If I’m at home, I’ll watch the film. IF... WOULDЕсли бы я отдыхала в США, я жила бы в большой гостинице. If I had a holiday in the USA, I would stay in a big hotel. IN ORDER TOЯ купила кроссовки, чтобы бегать в парке. I bought some trainers in order to run in the park.

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