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1 Evaluating Infill Potential: Identifying and Quantifying Infill Opportunity Sites Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Evaluating Infill Potential: Identifying and Quantifying Infill Opportunity Sites Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Evaluating Infill Potential: Identifying and Quantifying Infill Opportunity Sites Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

2 2 Our Presentation Today I. Introduction to the Infill Methodology Project II. The Geographical Screening Feature III. Evaluating Infill Strategies IV. Application and Next Steps Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

3 3 Project Participants State Caltrans / HCD Non Profit Environment Now Local City of Los Angeles County of Los Angeles Consultants: Terry Watt Solimar Research Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

4 4 Grant Grant funding provided by Caltrans  Environmental Justice Grant Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

5 5 Section I Background Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

6 6 Develop a Tool That Will: Identify infill parcels with potential for redevelopment Estimate increased housing production through use of specific infill strategies Compare different strategies to determine which provide more “bang for the buck” Be utilized by cities, counties, and the development community and citizen groups Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

7 7 Project Goals Develop a replicable tool that will  analyze infill scenarios at parcel, neighborhood, and city-wide scale  evolve with changing circumstances  support evaluation of public policies and programs  utilize local and national government databases  use ‘off-the-shelf’ GIS software Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

8 8 Data Minimum data requirements  Assessors information  Zoning  Land Use Other useful data sets  Census  Infrastructure  Building permits, etc.  Aerial photos  Other… Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

9 9 Section II Geographic Screening Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

10 10 Focus on “Built/Capacity” Units on the ground / some estimate zoning capacity Central focus of infill methodology Helps planners identify good spots for infill Highlights areas where change can be accommodated with little regulatory change Can be combined with other screens such as land:improvement ratio and investments

11 11 Example Screens Zoning Parcel Size Units on Ground Compared to Zoning Density Ratio of Improvement Value to Land Value Year Built Land Use Distance from Transit Other… Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

12 12 Infill Analysis Tool – Example West LA CPA

13 13 Example Zoom to Parcel Level

14 14 Query 1: Select Geography, West Los Angeles CPA

15 15 Query 2: All Multiple Family Zoned Parcels

16 16 Query 2: All Multiple Family Zoned Parcels - Zoom

17 17 Query 3: Parcels Greater Than 7000 Square Feet in Size

18 18 Query 4a: Existing Units Less the 50% Allowed by Zoning

19 19 Query 5: Improvement to Land Value Ratio less that 0.9

20 20 Query 6: De-Selection of Parcels by Hand - Before

21 21 Query 6: De-Selection of Parcels by Hand - After

22 22 173 Parcels Selected Through This Screen

23 23 Zoom 1

24 24 Zoom 2 and Identify

25 25 Section III Evaluating Infill Strategies Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

26 26 Strategy Development and Analysis 1. Define Strategy 2. Generate Assumptions 3. Geographic Screening 4. Map Results 5. Calculate Estimated Infill Potential 6. Evaluate and Revise Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

27 27 Generate Assumptions Determine Density Increase Due to Strategy Determine Absorption Rate  Local Market Conditions  Increase Due to Strategy  Increase Due to Subsidy Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

28 28 Strategy 1: 25% Density Bonus “A 25% density bonus on selected multi-family zoned residential parcels” Example Qualifying Parcel Criteria:  Multiple family zoning  Omit parcels with non residential, non commercial uses ie: churches  Existing/Allowed units ratio less than 75%  Improvement Ratio less than 0.9 Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

29 29 Strategy 1 Geographic Screen

30 30 Strategy 1: 25% Inclusionary Density Bonus

31 31 Strategy 5: Transit Oriented District (TOD) “Significant density increase of all residential and commercially zoned parcels within a given distance of a major transit hub. Height limits are removed and parking is reduced.” Example Qualifying Parcel Criteria:  All parcels within given distance of major transit hub  Omit parcels with non residential and non commercial zoning Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

32 32 Southeast LA CPA

33 33 Query 1: Parcels within Southeast LA CPA

34 34 Query 2: Parcels within ½ Mile of Transit Stop

35 35 Query 2a: Parcels within ¼ Mile of Transit Stop

36 36 Query 3: Parcels with Residential and Commercial Zoning

37 37 Query 3: Parcels with Residential and Commercial Zoning - Zoom

38 38 Strategy 3: Transit Oriented Development

39 39 Benefits of This Tool 1. You can select any geography you want … and any parcel-based features you want. 2. You can “de-select” parcels by hand if you know they don’t “fit”. 3. You can test specific policy ideas and see how they will play out statistically and geographically. 4. You can make assumptions about market behavior and incorporate those. Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

40 40 Section IV Application and Next Steps Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

41 41 Potential Applications Public Sector  General agency analysis  HCD – Housing Elements  Proactive planning – pre-approving good sites for infill development Private Sector  Developers locating opportunity sites for development Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

42 42 Sample EJ Application Layer parcel data onto larger-scale data (what we call “Infill Study Areas”) See infill potential as it relates to socioeconomic conditions Example: Multifamily v. second units in West L.A. Community Plan Area

43 43

44 44

45 45 Next Steps Solicit Feedback Document Project  Create “How To” Document Future Developments  Data Enhancements  Customized User Interface  Training and Technical Assistance  Select another pilot jurisdiction  Further validation and calibration  Ability to identify parcels most likely to be redeveloped under a given strategy Infill Potential Methodology Project May 2004

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