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The Writing Process Katherine M. Polizzi n Students choose a topic n Consider function n Consider form n Consider audience n Generate and Organize ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "The Writing Process Katherine M. Polizzi n Students choose a topic n Consider function n Consider form n Consider audience n Generate and Organize ideas."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Writing Process Katherine M. Polizzi

3 n Students choose a topic n Consider function n Consider form n Consider audience n Generate and Organize ideas Stage 1: Prewriting “ Getting Ready to Write Process”

4 Gathering and Organizing Ideas n Drawing n Clustering n Talking n Reading n Role-Playing n Quickwriting

5 Stage 2: Drafting n Students write a rough draft n Students emphasize content rather than mechanics.

6 Stage 3: Revising n Students reread their own writing n Students share their writing in groups n Students participate constructively in discussions about classmates’ writing n Students make changes in their compositions to reflect the reactions and comments of both teacher and students n Make substantive changes

7 Stage 4: Editing n Students proofread their own compositions. n Students help proofread classmates’ compositions. n Students increasingly identify and correct their own mechanical errors. n Students meet with the teacher for a final editing. Supporting information and examples n How it relates to your audience

8 Stage 5: Publishing n Students publish their writing in an appropriate form. n Students share their finished writing with an appropriate audience.

9 What This Means n Add a strong statement that summarizes how you feel or think about this topic n Summarize key points you want your audience to remember

10 Next Steps n Summarize any actions required of your audience n Summarize any follow up action items required of you

11 Comparison of the Reading and Writing Process n Preparing to Read: u Use Knowledge about; F the topic F reading F literature F language systems n Prewriting: u Use knowledge about; F the topic F writing F literature F language systems Readers Writers Stage 1

12 Stage 2 n Reading: u Readers; F use word identification strategies F use meaning- making strategies F monitor reading F create meaning n Drafting: u Writers; F use transcription strategies F use meaning- making strategies F monitor writing F create writing

13 Stage 3 n Responding: u Readers; F respond to the text F interpret meaning F clarify misunderstandings F expand ideas n Revising: u Writers; F respond to the text F interpret meaning F clarify misunderstandings F expand ideas

14 Stage 4 n Exploring the Text: u Readers; F examine the impact of words and literacy language F explore structure elements F compare the text together n Editing: u Writers; F identity and correct mechanical errors F review paragraph and sentence structure

15 n Extending the Interpretation: u Readers; F go beyond the text to extend their interpretations F share projects with classmates F reflect on the reading process F make connections to life and literature F value the piece of literature F feel success F want to read again n Publishing: u Writers; F produce the finished copy of their compositions F share their compositions with genuine audiences F reflect on the writing process F value the composition F feel success F want to write again Stage 5


17 HAVE FUN!!!!!!

18 References Microsoft PowerPoint Gail E. Tompkins’ Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach

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