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Chapter seven- Reading Colleen Pidgeon Kate Polizzi Sheila Macallair.

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2 Chapter seven- Reading Colleen Pidgeon Kate Polizzi Sheila Macallair

3 Reading n Reading is a process in which readers create meaning or develop an interpretation.

4 Factors Included In Reading: n The readers’ knowledge about the topic n Their purpose for reading n The language community the reader belongs to n How closely that language is to the language used in the book n What the readers’ expectations are based on their culture n The persons’ expectations about reading based on their previous experiences.

5 Five Stages of Reading n 1.) preparing to read n 2.) reading n 3.) responding n 4.) exploring n 5.) extending

6 Stage one: Preparing n Students set purposes. n Students connect to prior personal experiences. n Students connect to prior literary experiences. n Students connect to their special interests or hobbies. n Students make predictions. n Students look over the text. n Students consult the index to locate information

7 Stage two: Reading n Students make predictions. n Students apply skills and strategies. n Students experience different types of reading. n Students look at the pictures, charts,and diagrams. n Students read the entire text. n Students take notes.

8 Stage three: Responding nSnStudents participate in group discussion. nSnStudents write in a reading log.

9 Stage four: Exploring n Students reread and think more deeply about the text. n Students begin to make connections to their experiences. n Students make connections to other books they have read. n Students examine the authors writing style. n Students learn new vocabulary words.

10 Stage five: Extending n Students construct projects. n Students reflect on their interpretation. n Students value the reading experience. n Students begin to read for enjoyment.

11 Project’s Include: nRnRole Playing nHnHave students make up a new ending to book nHnHave students dress like a character in the book nMnMake up a poem that goes along with the book nMnMake a mural to go along with the book

12 Remember: When Teaching Students To Read You Should Make It Fun!!!!

13 Bibliography n Routman, Regie. Invitations: Changing as Teachers and Learners K-12. ( 1991). New Hampshire: Heinemann. n Tompkins, Gail. Literacy for the 21st Century. (1997 ). New Jersey: Prentice

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