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The Writing Process Monday, April 27, 2015 ZWhat should I write about? ZIs my topic too broad? ZWhat do I know about the topic? ZWhere can I find more.

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Presentation on theme: "The Writing Process Monday, April 27, 2015 ZWhat should I write about? ZIs my topic too broad? ZWhat do I know about the topic? ZWhere can I find more."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Writing Process Monday, April 27, 2015

3 ZWhat should I write about? ZIs my topic too broad? ZWhat do I know about the topic? ZWhere can I find more information? ZWho is my audience? IDEAS IDEAS ZWhat do I want them to know?IDEASIDEAS ZWhat form is appropriate? PREWRITING

4 DRAFTING Put ideas on paper. Revise as you write. Get reactions from others.

5 REVISING Does my piece say what I want it to say? How can I make my writing clearer and more effective? Should I add to, delete, or reorder my writing? Does my writing make sense? Will my readers understand my writing? Am I pleased with my writing? I have conferred with a number of my classmates.

6 EDITING Does my piece say what I want it to say? How can I make my writing clearer and more effective? Should I add to, delete, or reorder my writing? Does my writing make sense? Will my readers understand my writing? Am I pleased with my writing? I have conferred with a number of my classmates.

7 EDITING Editing--Taking Another Look... I have proofread my work for errors in I have also asked a number of my classmates to edit my work. Thank you for your ideas.

8 PUBLISHING publishing-- occurs when a completed text is reworked and edited to the satisfaction of the author


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