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Low radioactivity at the Modane Underground Laboratory

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1 Low radioactivity at the Modane Underground Laboratory
Pia Loaiza Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane, France LRT 2004 12-13 Dec. 2004, Sudbury, Canada

Located in the French-Italian border, under the Fréjus peak. Depth : 1750 m of rock (4800 m.w.e) French laboratory operated by Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Entrance of the tunnel view from the office building.

4 muons/m2/day fast neutrons/cm2/s from rock/concrete radioactivity Air continously renewed : 2 vol/hour 222Rn concentration 5-10 Bq/m3 Entrance to the Lab at the mid-point of the Fréjus road tunnel


5 EDELWEISS : Dark matter WIMP search
EDELWEISS II French German collaboration Start installation beginning 2005 Data taking: summer w. 28 detectors =>9 kg Upgrade to 100 detectors 36 kg 2006 Dubna integration in progress Neutron detectors w VETO m EDELWEISS II sensitivity goal EDELWEISS I exclusion limits present

6 NEMO 3 : Neutrinoless double beta decay
wood coil Iron shield Water tank NEMO 3 collaboration : France, Czech Republic, USA, Russia, Japan, Great Britain May 2004 August 2001 Start taking data February 2003 May 2004 : Radon purification system. Tent surrounding the detector

7 Super Heavy elements In Nature
TGV-2 : CSNSM-Dubna 10 g of 48Ca for 2 10 g of 106Cd for ECEC Sample (Os-500 g) 3He-counters Neutron moderator Super Heavy elements In Nature

8 Radon trapping facility
Installation September 2004

9 Radon trapping facility
Time during which radon is trapped in the « filter » : Tr = K(T) M / Q K(T) : dynamic adsorption coeff. M : charcoal mass Q : Air rate 2 charcoal towers : T1 = -53 C, T2 = -45 C M = 2 x 450 kg Radon purification by adsorption in charcoal Vol. clean air : 125 m3/h Activity 222Rn = 15 mBq/m3

10 Ge detectors at LSM 13 germanium detectors to measure low radioactivity levels

11 Ge detectors at LSM Applications :
Test of materials for EDELWEISS, NEMO and ultra low background instrumentation. Measurement of environmental radioactivity Radionuclides in the U and Th decay series are useful chronometers for the determination of many processes in the environment. The low natural radioactivity encountered necessitate instrumentation capable of measuring very low radionuclide concentrations. Some applications : Quantitative evaluation of both horizontal and vertical mixing rates in the open ocean. Determination of the rate of particle deposition on the marine sediment layer (originated by both biological and physical processes). The decay of 210Pb provides a dating method which has been applied to lake sediments.

12 Monitoring of radioactive contamination in the atmosphere
Ge detectors at LSM Applications : Bordeaux wine dating The concentration of 137Cs provides a simple method to estimate the wine age. Monitoring of radioactive contamination in the atmosphere Measurements of artificial radionuclides in certain samples require very low backgrounds. Those measurements are carried out at the LSM. 7Be and 137Cs concentration in the atmosphere

13 Ge detectors at LSM Detector Type Volume
Total and peak background rate (counts/day) keV 352 keV 583 keV 1461 keV MONDEUSE well 220 cc 770 4.2 2.7 5 ROUSSETE 430 cc 692 4.1 2.9 7.2 ABYMES 980 cc 828 5.6 XXL 844 cc 821 6.8 <1.8 11.6 HERMINE N 197 cc 313 1.2 1.5 2.3 HELLAZ P 204 cc 515 4.5 0.5 1.4 JASMIN 380 cc 529 2.0 1.41 1.71 GENTIANE 215 cc 178 <0.21 0.38 0.65 IRIS 400 cc 282 1.02 1.46 3.01

14 ILIAS : Integrated Large Infrastructures for Astroparticle Science
ILIAS is an initiative proposed for funding by the European Union. ILIAS Physics in deep underground laboratories R&D on low background techniques Theoretical astroparticle physics Gravitational wave detection Transnational access Network of deep underground science laboratories R&D on double beta decay Network of direct dark matter detection Network of double beta decay

15 ILIAS at the LSM Transnational access : Radon facility installed by Czech collaborators Network : First meeting Sep. 2004, Edinburgh. Next meeting January 2005 at LSM. Actual visits to the different labs will allow a better knowledge of working conditions and specificities of the different sites. R&D : Construction of a new ultra-low background Ge detector (400 cc). Prospective construction materials are being measured. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to get the distinct contribution to the background from the assembly materials.

16 ILIAS at the LSM R&D : Coordination of working package on RADIOPURITY OF MATERIALS. First goal : database with measurements from experiments in the different labs. The database will serve as a guide and will give benchmarks on attained radioactivity levels. Measurement of all materials involved in any low-background set-up are, nevertheless, necessary. We plan to include in the database a clear reference to the material provider (and Ref. or lot number when available). The aim in the longer term is to develop methods and techniques to obtain materials extremely free from radioactive impurities.

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