Database Design Chapter 2. Goal of all Information Systems  To add value –Reduce costs –Increase sales or revenue –Provide a competitive advantage.

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1 Database Design Chapter 2

2 Goal of all Information Systems  To add value –Reduce costs –Increase sales or revenue –Provide a competitive advantage

3 Information System (IS) Project Success  On-time  Within budget  Meets customer’s expectations

4 IS Project Development  Model – a simplified view of a real- world system  Three common types of models –Process models (data flow diagrams) –Class or object models* –Event models (sequence charts which show timing of events)

5 Initial Steps in Database Design 1. Identify the exact goals of the system. 2. Talk with the users to identify the basic forms (inputs) and reports (outputs). 3. Identify the data items to be stored. 4. Design the classes (tables) and relationships. 5. Identify any business constraints. 6. Verify the design matches the business rules.

6 Important Reminder  Business rules are very important. For example: –There is a single individual designated as the order placer for each company purchasing products from your organization –A customer’s order cannot be placed until all outstanding bills have been paid –Customer’s address and phone number must be on file before an order can be placed

7 Identifying User Requirements  Interview users  Observe operations in the firm  Review forms and reports

8 Business Objects  All business deal with entities or objects –Customers –Products –Employees –Sales  When developing IS systems, we use the term entity to describe some item in the real world that we wish to track

9 Entities/Classes Customer CustomerID LastName FirstName Phone Address City State ZIP Code Name Attributes or Properties Add Customer Delete Customer Methods (optional for database) *In relational databases, tables represent each class with attributes being reported in columns and individual entries being stored in rows (tuples)

10 Class Diagram

11 Primary Keys  Every database table must have a primary key so that tables can be linked  The primary key must be a unique identifier for each entry (row) in the table –Name is not a unique identifier –Don’t use SSN

12 Associations and Relationships among Entities (classes)  Cardinality Constraint identifies: –The number of instances (multiplicity) one entity can be associated with another  One-to-one  One-to-many  Many-to-many –Whether the association is mandatory or optional  Optional association  Mandatory association

13 Multiplicity Customer Order 1 * Each customer can place many orders An order is placed by 1 customer Employee Examples: Tasks ** Each employee can perform several tasks Tasks can be completed by several different employees

14 Mandatory? Customer Order 1 A customer does not have to place an order An order must be placed by a customer Employee Examples: Tasks 11 Each employee must perform tasks Tasks must be completed by an employee 0

15 Alternate Terminology Customer Order Optional-ManyMandatory-One 1…10…*

16 Many-to-Many (N-ary) Associations  When two or more classes have a many-to-many association  Must be eliminated by adding a new entity called an associative entity

17 N-ary Associations Employee Component Product * * **

18 N-ary Association Example Employee Name... Component CompID Type Name Product ProductID Type Name * ** Assembly EmployeeID CompID ProductID Multiplicity is defined as the number of items that could appear if the other N-1 objects are fixed. Almost always “many.” 1 1 1

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