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Sprinkler Buddy Presentation #3: “New and Improved Floor Plan and Structural Verilog” 2/14/2007 Team M3 Panchalam Ramanujan Kalyan Kommineni Kartik Murthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Sprinkler Buddy Presentation #3: “New and Improved Floor Plan and Structural Verilog” 2/14/2007 Team M3 Panchalam Ramanujan Kalyan Kommineni Kartik Murthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sprinkler Buddy Presentation #3: “New and Improved Floor Plan and Structural Verilog” 2/14/2007 Team M3 Panchalam Ramanujan Kalyan Kommineni Kartik Murthy Sasidhar Uppuluri Design Manager: Bowei Gai “Low Cost Irrigation Management For Everyone ! ”

2 Current Status Determine Project Develop Project Specifications Plan Architectural Design Determination of all components in design Detailed logical flowchart Design a Floor Plan (refined) Create Structural Verilog (All Components done/simulated, tweaking control) Make Transistor Level Design and Schematic  Layout  Testing (Extraction, LVS, and Analog Sim.) 

3 Slightly Revised Transistor Count … Block (# used)Transistor Count 40:20 Muxes (6)~480 60:20 Muxes (2)~720 Counter (2)~250 KC ROM (1)~778 P ROM (1)~82 Metric Storage SRAMS (2)~2522 Constant Storage ROM (1)~202 Floating Point Adder (4)~3000 Floating Point Multiplier (2)~2800 10 Bit Registers (9)~140 Datapath Logic / Misc.~2000 Total = ~ 31,786

4 Block Size Estimates Block (# used)Size Estimate (um) 40:20 Muxes (4)20 x 80 60:20 Muxes (2)20 x 120 Counter (2)12 x 17 KC ROM (4 parts)181 x 8 P ROM (1)70 x 8 Metric Storage SRAMS (2)181 x 60 Constant Storage ROM (1)181 x 8 Floating Point Adder (4)100 x 100 Floating Point Multiplier (2)130 x 130 10 Bit Registers (8)50 x 10

5 Floor Plan Old (Naïve) Floor Plan

6 Somewhat Better Floor Plan

7 Current Floor Plan

8 Individual Modules: Floating Point Add Outputs Inputs Will Use Metals 1-4 No Metal 3 below here

9 Individual Modules: Floating Point Multiply Outputs Inputs Will Use Metals 1-4 Inputs Outputs

10 Individual Modules: Everything Else BlockMetal Layers That Can be Used 40:20 MuxesM1 & M2 60:20 MuxesM1 & M2 CountersM1 & M2 KC ROMM1 & M2 & M3 & M4 P ROMM1 & M2 & M3 & M4 Metric Storage SRAMSM1 & M2 & M3 & M4 Constant Storage ROMM1 & M2 & M3 & M4 Floating Point AddersM1 & M2 & M3 & M4 Floating Point MultipliersM1 & M2 & M3 & M4 10 Bit RegistersM1 & M2

11 Metal Directionality M1, M2 Local Connections Ground and VDD M3,M4 Clock Inside FP Units Global Routing Control Signals

12 New Design Size Block (# used)Size Estimate (um) 40:20 Muxes (4)20 x 80 60:20 Muxes (2)20 x 120 Counter (2)12 x 17 KC ROM (4 parts)181 x 8 P ROM (1)70 x 8 Metric Storage SRAMS (2) 181 x 60 Constant Storage ROM (1) 181 x 8 Floating Point Adder (4) 100 x 100 Floating Point Multiplier (2) 130 x 130 10 Bit Registers (8)50 x 10 454um x 450 um ~ 1 : 1 aspect ratio.2 mm^2 area.142 Transistor Density

13 Control Verilog wire [9:0] hu_temp,hu_tmax,hu_tmin,hu_temptoadd; //HU Control Signals wire hu_tmax_en,hu_tmin_en,hu_mux_sel,hu_add_start,hu_temp_en; //HU Output Signals wire hu_add_done,hu_fsm_start,hu_add_sign; wire [9:0] hu_add_out; huFSM _huFSM(hu_tmax_en,hu_tmin_en,hu_mux_sel,hu_add_start,hu_temp_en, hu_fsm_start,hu_add_sign,hu_add_done,clk,rst); not _hun0(not_g_dclk,g_dclk); and _huEn(hu_fsm_start,g_hclk,not_g_dclk); reg_x #(10,0) _temp(.q(hu_temp),.d(g_temp),.clk(clk),.reset(rst),.en(hu_temp_en)); reg_x #(10,10'b0011110001) _tmax(.q(hu_tmax),.d(hu_temp),.clk(clk),.reset(rst),.en(hu_tmax_en)); reg_x #(10,10'b0011110001) _tmin(.q(hu_tmin),.d(hu_temp),.clk(clk),.reset(rst),.en(hu_tmin_en)); mux21_10 _huMux(.out(hu_temptoadd),.sel(hu_mux_sel),.a(hu_tmax),.b(hu_tmin)); fpadder _fpahr(.out(hu_add_out),.done(hu_add_done),.a(hu_temp),.b(hu_temptoadd),.addSub(1'b1),.start(hu_add_start),.clk(clk),.rst(rst)); assign hu_add_sign=hu_add_out[9];

14 Multiplier Verilog wire signa,signb,cout1,cout2; //Assign pieces of Inputs assign signa = a[9]; assign signb = b[9]; assign expa = a[8:4]; assign expb = b[8:4]; assign siga = a[3:0]; assign sigb = b[3:0]; //Calculate Exponent addSub_6 ab(preExp,cout1,{1'b0,expa},{1'b0,expb},1'b0); addSub_6 ba(postExp,cout2,preExp,6'b001111,1'b1); //Calculate Significand uMult_5 um(postSig,{1'b1,siga},{1'b1,sigb}); //Normalize fpmultnormalize nm(postNormSig,postNormExp,postSig,postExp); //Assign Final Output assign out[8:4]=postNormExp[4:0]; assign out[3:0]=postNormSig; xor msign(out[9],signa,signb); endmodule //modify if rounding later,combine adders later module fpmultnormalize(sigPostNorm,expPostNorm,sigPreNorm,expPreNorm); output [3:0] sigPostNorm; output [5:0] expPostNorm; input [9:0] sigPreNorm; input [5:0] expPreNorm; wire cout; wire [5:0] addAmnt; //Adjust Significand mux21_4 mm(sigPostNorm,sigPreNorm[9],sigPreNorm[7:4],sigPreNorm[8:5]); //Adjust Exponent mux21_6 mm5(addAmnt,sigPreNorm[9],6'b000000,6'b000001); //reduce me later addSub_6 as5(expPostNorm,cout,expPreNorm,addAmnt,1'b1); endmodule

15 Adder Verilog module fpAddSigUnit(sigFinal,siga,sigb,expDiff,compExpab,clk,rst,takeShiftSig,signa,signb,compSigab,sRaEn,sRbEn); output [8:0] sigFinal; output compSigab; input [3:0] siga,sigb; input [3:0] expDiff; input compExpab,takeShiftSig,sRaEn,sRbEn,clk,rst,signa,signb; wire compSigab,addSub,coutFinal; wire [7:0] sigFinala,sigFinalb,sigMuxa,sigMuxb,shOut,mShiftOut; wire [9:0] sigPreOut,sigFinOut; //q,d,clk,rst,en //Choose to register original or shifted sig mux21_8 mSiga(sigMuxa,takeShiftSig,{1'b1,siga,3'b000},shOut); mux21_8 mSigb(sigMuxb,takeShiftSig,{1'b1,sigb,3'b000},shOut); reg_x #(8,0) sRa(sigFinala,sigMuxa,clk,rst,sRaEn|(takeShiftSig&(~compExpab)) ); reg_x #(8,0) sRb(sigFinalb,sigMuxb,clk,rst,sRbEn|(takeShiftSig&compExpab) ); //Choose Significand to shift and shift it //0-> b is bigger, 1-> a is bigger mux21_8 mshift(mShiftOut,compExpab,sigFinala,sigFinalb); sbshiftr_8 sbs(shOut,mShiftOut,expDiff); //AddSub significands based on signs //10 bit adder to accomodate negative bit and adding secret bits comp8 c8(compSigab,sigMuxa,sigMuxb); xor x0(addSub,signa,signb); addSub_10 addSigs(sigPreOut,coutFinal,{2'b00,sigMuxa},{2'b00,sigMuxb},addSub);

16 Design Challenges and Implementation Decisions For The Past Week Design Challenge Translation to HW Low Power Design Ripple Carry Adder Quiet Bit Line SRAM Architecture Sense Amplifier Flip Flop

17 Quiet-Bitline Architecture for SRAM No Pre-Charging One side driving scheme where only a strong ‘0’ is forced in bit or bit bar when writing 85% power reduction over traditional methods Citation: “A Low-Power SRAM Design Using Quiet-Bitline Architecture” by Cheng et. al.

18 Problems/Questions Our Floor plan has a hole in the top right… Need to more accurately determine timing delays through modules

19 For Next Week Make Transistor Level Schematic Begin Layout of Smaller Modules Continue to Revise and Update Floor Plan

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