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ESA Region 2 April 2008 21 st Century Skills: More Than Just Computers.

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Presentation on theme: "ESA Region 2 April 2008 21 st Century Skills: More Than Just Computers."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESA Region 2 April 2008 21 st Century Skills: More Than Just Computers

2 Common Understanding National and State initiatives will focus on 21 st Century Skills There is a need to increase teacher competency and comfort with 21 st Century Skills SD is committed to the Partnership for 21st Century SkillsPartnership for 21st Century Skills South Dakota has promised to create 21 st Century Learning Academies ISTE & NETSISTE

3 Project Goal: Build on skills and information acquired from previous initiatives to create a 21 st Century Learning Academy for Teachers

4 21 st Century Framework

5 Core Subjects & 21 st Century Themes Core Subjects: English, Reading or language arts, World languages, Arts, Mathematics, Economics, Science, History, Geography, Government and Civics 21 st Century Themes: Global Awareness, Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy, Civic Literacy, & Health Literacy

6 Core Subjects & 21 st Century Themes DOE Initiatives SD Math Counts Standards-based curriculum Reading First SD Reads Personal Finance Writing to Win Virtual High Schools Health EDventures/Wellness 2010E Initiative 2025 HS Framework

7 Life and Career Skills Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self-Direction Social & Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity &Accountability Leadership & Responsibility

8 Life and Career Skills DOE Initiatives: Career Clusters Career Guidance STEM Project Lead the Way Career and Tech Ed Senior Projects Youth Internships Entrepreneurship Pre-apprenticeship

9 Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity & Innovation Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Communication & Collaboration

10 Learning and Innovation Skills DOE Initiatives: Higher Order Thinking Skills Critical Thinking Problem Solving Skills Communication Collaboration Reflective Thinking Intel Teach to the Future

11 Information, Media & Technology Skills Information Literacy, Media Literacy, & ICT (Information, Communications & Technology) Literacy

12 Information, Media & Technology Skills DOE Initiatives: Technology Competencies – Teacher, Administrators &, Students Technology-Specific Courses: Blogs, Wikis, Streaming Video, Podcasting, etc. Evaluating websites/information Microsoft Live Meeting 1:1 Initiative

13 Standards & Assessments DOE Standards rollouts ESA 2 Lending Library Formative Assessment Achievement Series End of Course Exams Credit Equivalency

14 Curriculum & Instruction Data Analysis Curriculum Mapping SD Math Counts, SD Reads Instructional Strategies w/ Technology RtI Reading & Writing in the Content Area Long Term PD Classroom Management Differentiated Instruction Understanding by Design Instructional Leadership

15 Professional Development Best Practices Data-based Decision Making Long Range PD Plans esc Works Higher Education

16 Learning Environments Framework of Understanding Poverty Classroom Management High Schools that Work Making Middle Grades Work Instructional Leadership Project LEAD Professional Learning Communities Communities of Practice PBIS

17 Samples from other states Colorado o Colorado Springs o Utah o Jordan School District o 7/ 7/

18 Our Potential ESA, Region 2 has the facilities, technology, knowledge base, staff and a pre-exiting delivery model available to implement the Academy congruent with the DOE timeline Facilities: Can house and provide computers for the 40 teachers accepted into the 21 st Century Academy Instructors: Have on staff or pre-existing relationships with instructors (industry, area educators and faculty from higher education) in a variety of subject areas Coaches: On staff trained cognitive coaches Partnerships: Regional, post-secondary and educational service agency partnerships Delivery Model: Prior trainings and grant projects have created a template for credit-baring training for a cohort of teachers with online and in-the-field support

19 Project Objectives Work in partnership with regional schools, other state ESAs and institutes of higher education to deliver high quality credit rendering training through a Master Teacher Academy Use the ‘Understanding by Design (UbD)’ model and ‘backward plan’ a Master Teacher curriculum. Create Master Teachers who will operate with coaches and participate in self-created action research plans following a UbD model Support these Master Teachers as they mentor other teachers in the acquisition of 21 st Century Skills Build on skills and information acquired from previous initiatives to create a 21 st Century learning environment

20 Impact Multiplier Master Teacher (40) 1 st year 1 Master Teacher X 30 students = 30 students 40 Master Teachers X 30 students= 1200 students with improved student achievement 2 nd year Impact of initial year + 1 Master Teacher X 2 Mentees X 30 students= 60 students 40 Master Teachers = 2400 students Cumulative Effect by the End of Year 2= 120 teachers + 3600 students with increased 21 st Century Skills

21 Challenges/ Solutions Short time frame Teachers distributed over a wide geographic area Project continuation Pre-existing delivery model & partners We have built a network for recruiting teachers to participate in our grant opportunities Initial academy meeting with subsequent meetings, experience with online and digital delivery, partnership with other educational organizations and large concentration of teachers in our region Teachers are encouraged and paid to share experiences at the Summer Symposium, Active Title IID webpage, on staff cognitive coachers

22 Success 40 successful 21 st Century Master Teachers Replicable delivery model Partnerships o Higher Education o Schools o SD Education Service Agencies o Industry Increased interest & comfort with 21 st Century Learning Higher competency of 21 st Century Skills in Students

23 ESA, Region 2 has the facilities, technology, knowledge base, staff and a pre-exiting delivery model available to implement the Academy congruent with the DOE timeline.

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