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Direct Instruction “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things” Theodore Levitt.

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Presentation on theme: "Direct Instruction “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things” Theodore Levitt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Direct Instruction “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things” Theodore Levitt

2 Definition and Purpose The “how to” in the delivery of training. PURPOSE is to develop and apply appropriate methods of teaching sensitive to the conditions of Students Teachers Environment Instruction Methods

3 Learning Outcomes Type 1: facts, rules, and action sequence Type 2: concepts, patterns, and abstraction Direct Instruction refers to explicit, step-by-step instruction in which the teaching of Type I outcomes is most efficiently achieved. Lecturing Expository Teaching

4 Lecturing Introduction: Catch the student’s interest, tell your expectation, define or explain unfamiliar terminology Body of lecture: Organize content in some logical order (time sequential, rule-example-rule, example-example-rule) Conclusion: summarize

5 Expository Teaching

6 1.Daily Review and Checking the Previous Day’s Work ( A sense of wholeness and continuity) 2.Presenting and Structuring (focus one idea at a time) 3.Guided Student Practice (elicit practice in the desired behavior)

7 Expository Teaching 4.Feedback and Correctives Correct, quick and firm Correct but hesitant Incorrect due to carelessness Incorrect due to lack of knowledge 5. Independent Practice (develop automatic response) 6. Weekly and Monthly Reviews (build momentum)

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