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Math 115b Section 5(Spring 06)  Instructor: Kerima Ratnayaka   Phone : 626-2107  Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Math 115b Section 5(Spring 06)  Instructor: Kerima Ratnayaka   Phone : 626-2107  Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math 115b Section 5(Spring 06)  Instructor: Kerima Ratnayaka  Email :  Phone : 626-2107  Office : MTL 124B ( Math Teaching Lab)  Office hours : Monday 1-2, Monday 3-4, Wednesday 12-1, Friday 11-12 or by appointments  Class web page:  Business Mathematics web page( Course web page):

2 Course Materials  The textbook  Math 115b files (Course web page)  Blank CD’s or zip disks  Syllabus (Course web page) (Math 115b files-UA Bus Math II.ppt)

3 E-text  Release 1.0, 2003, Thompson and Lamoureux, MAA  Installation CD (MBD files) and Student Notebook  Texts available at the U of A bookstore  Required to bring installation CD to all class meetings

4 Class Attendance  Mandatory  Class roll will be taken Daily  YOU MUST READ THE RELEVANT LESSON BEFORE YOU COME TO CLASS  All students must come ON TIME for class and NO TALKING DURING THE LECTURE  You are responsible for all information  Provided in class  In the course files  Course web page(Common Business Math)  Class web page

5 Exams  Two midterm examinations ( 100 each)  Midterm dates (Tentative dates) Test 1 –February 21(Tuesday) Test 2 –April 25(Tuesday)  Missed exams(Makeup tests are given only at the discretion of the instructor) Unless there are extraordinary circumstances, a missed midterm examination or a missed final examination will result in a score of zero for that work.  Final Exam-Wednesday, May 10 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. (200 points)

6 Exams- Contd. . If a student earns a higher percentage on the final examination than on one of the midterms, then the student’s lowest midterm score will be replaced by the percent scored on the final examination.

7 Teams  4 members in each team  You need to form your own teams  If you cannot find a Team please let me know as soon as possible(via email)  Once your team is formed you need to send me an Email giving the names and emails of your team members

8 Team Contracts  Mandatory for all teams  Sample of the Team Contract is available on class web page  All teams should submit a printed copy of their Team Contracts

9 Team Projects  Two major Team projects  Each Team will have 4 members  Each Project is worth total of 150 points  Preliminary Report-10  Final Oral Report-60  Final written Report & Excel file-60  Project quiz(Individual)-20

10 Team Homework  Each assignment will be 10 points  Must include the signature page( If you don’t sign it you will not earn credit for the team HW)  Must be computer generated  Must be Stapled  Must include the Cover page (Front Page)  Must show all supporting work to earn full credit  If Excel work is part of the HW, you must include sample data/results/graphs  Late Assignments will not be accepted  Team Homework will be worth 100 points

11 In-Class Quizzes  Frequent pop quizzes  Quizzes may be announced or unannounced  No make-up quizzes  Quizzes will be worth 50 points  Pop quiz formula

12 Academic Integrity.  All students must abide by, all University of Arizona policies and procedures  Particularly the Code of Academic Integrity and the Student Code of Conduct.  Students found to be in violation of any of these policies will be appropriately sanctioned.  No cheating please ! The Price you will pay is too high

13 Course Grades  Mid Terms - 200  Common Final - 200  Team Projects - 300  Team Homework - 100  In Class Quizzes - 50 850 ( No Extra Credit is Permitted)

14 Important  If you earn at least 55% of the total points for individual work and at least 55% of the total points for teamwork, the following grading scale will be used.  A: 90% of total points  B: 80% of total points  C: 70% of total points  D: 60% of total points Otherwise, you will receive a failing grade for the course.

15 Important-contd. For course grade purposes,  Individual work-midterm/final/Project and pop quizzes  Teamwork-preliminary and final reports on the projects and the team homework.

16 Important-contd.  If you are dissatisfied with a grade you are welcome to discuss it with me during office hours.  Class time will not be used for this purpose.  You must make an appointment and discuss the grade within 7 academic days of receiving the relevant exam/project/quiz back from me.

17 Questions ?

18 Syllabus TuTh Syllabus, TuTh  Introduction to Course and Project 1 Graphing Functions (Teams Formed) Trend Lines Demand, Revenue, Cost, & Profit Preliminary Reports on Project 1 Differentiation Using Solver Integration January 12 (Th): January 17 (Tu): January 19 (Th): January 24 (Tu): January 26 (Th): January 31 (Tu): February 2 (Th): February 7 (Tu): (material continues) Menu

19 Syllabus TuTh Syllabus, TuTh: page 2  Integration Marketing Example Discussion of Project 1 Test 1, material through February 14. Reports on Project 1 Introduction to Project 2 Distributions Last day to drop the course. Preliminary Reports on Project 2 Spring Break – no classes. February 9 (Th): February 14 (Tu): February 16 (Th): February 21 (Tu): February 23 (Th): February 28 (Tu): March 2 (Th): March 7 (Tu): March 9 (Th): March 13 - 17: Menu  (material continues)

20 Syllabus TuTh  Variance The Sample Mean Normal Distributions Simulating Normal Random Variables (Focus on the Project) Simulating Normal Random Variables (Focus on the Project) Hospital Administration Example Discussion of Project 2 March 21 (Tu): March 23 (Th): March 28 (Tu): March 30 (Th): April 4 (Tu): April 6 (Th): April 11 (Tu): April 13 (Th): April 18 (Tu): April 20 (Th): (material continues) Menu  Syllabus, TuTh: page 3

21 Syllabus TuTh Syllabus, TuTh: page 4 (material ends) Test 2, material from March 2 through April 11. Reports on Project 2 Final Examination, All course material. Final examinations in all sections of Math 115b will be given at a common time, Wednesday, May 10, 2006, from 5-7 p.m. Your instructor will notify you about the location of the examination. April 25 (Tu): April 27 (Th): May 2 (Tu): May 10 (W): University of Arizona  Menu

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