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Societal Scale Civil Infrastructure Gregory L. Fenves Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering UC Santa Cruz.

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Presentation on theme: "Societal Scale Civil Infrastructure Gregory L. Fenves Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering UC Santa Cruz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Societal Scale Civil Infrastructure Gregory L. Fenves Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering UC Santa Cruz

2 Societal-scale Issues Affecting Civil Infrastructure Disaster Preparation, Response, Recovery Transportation Management Environmental Engineering

3 Profound opportunities for major shift in improving quality of life and economic growth Inexpensive sensors with wide deployment Reliable, secure communication Data synthesis and visualization Simulation Decision-making and control

4 Systems Approach to Civil Infrastructure Infrastructure problems are complex and hard to solve Develop multi-disciplinary approaches Use CITRIS will integrate new technology into addressing societal-scale problems Provide new opportunities for broad range of students Expand role of civil and environmental engineers in addressing societal problems

5 CITRIS Builds on Strengths Disaster Preparation, Response, Recovery Transportation Management Environmental Engineering Top-ranked research and instructional programs In water quantity/quality, indoor and outdoor air quality, ecological engineering

6 What is the Earthquake Risk? 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 Event Loma Prieta, 1989 Northridge, 1994 Kobe, 1995 projection 6,000 30,000 150,000 230,000 Direct costs, millions of dollars

7 Dense grid of sensors for the shear wall and the header beam I I I I I I I O I MEMs Accelerometers

8 Laboratory Application

9 Pre-event Preparation Post-event Response and Recovery

10 Hierarchical Approach Local sensing and damage detection Structure-level prognosis and diagnosis Data and control for occupants and emergency responders Regional decision-making on allocation, routing of emergency & recovery services State/National assessment and decision- support systems

11 Technology for Disaster-response

12 Roadmap Testbed applications –Campus networks –Signature structures Integration of sensor networks Coalition and collaboration with industry and government

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