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Meat and Potatoes Micromouse 2006. Team Introduction ► Aaron Fujimoto ► Alex DeAngelis ► Alex Zamora ► Mike Manzano ► Tyson Seto-Mook.

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Presentation on theme: "Meat and Potatoes Micromouse 2006. Team Introduction ► Aaron Fujimoto ► Alex DeAngelis ► Alex Zamora ► Mike Manzano ► Tyson Seto-Mook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meat and Potatoes Micromouse 2006

2 Team Introduction ► Aaron Fujimoto ► Alex DeAngelis ► Alex Zamora ► Mike Manzano ► Tyson Seto-Mook

3 Brief Overview ► Micromouse ► Design ► Problems and Solutions ► Outstanding Problems and Solutions ► A Brief Demo

4 Original Overall Design ► Designed for flexibility ► Adjustable Sensor Array  Horizontal Alignment  Vertical alignment ► Top-down Sensors ► 1.8 Stepper Motor ► Lightweight, as little metal as possible  Balsa Wood ► Breadboard / Perfboard Approach

5 Initial Goals ► Create a moving mouse  No sensors involvement ► Create a mouse with alignment  Center in-between walls ► Create a Wall Hugging mouse  Left and Right Hugger ► Create a Center-Seeking Mouse ► Go to California

6 Structure of Designs and Decisions ► A compact mouse  Smaller moment of inertia for better turning ► Keep center of gravity close to turning axis ► Keep motors close together to minimize getting ‘hung up’ on walls ► Sensor Placement  From 10 sensors to 12 sensors

7 Final Status ► We’ve come a long way

8 Final Status ► Center-Seeking Mouse ► Made it to California, 9 th place ► Etched Everything ► Two Additional Top-down sensors ► Many, many small adjustments discussed in the next section

9 Problems and Solutions ► Setting up Group Meetings  Conflicting Schedule  Lack of Organization ► Usage of wrong perfboard  Non-metal coating ► Solder didn’t stick to board ► Switch in parallel to circuit, instead of in series  Short Circuit instead of Open Circuit  Melted Battery Pack

10 Problems and Solutions ► Original Hardware Organization  Disorganized, Wires everywhere! ► No LEDS for troubleshooting  Mosfets broken? Motor broken? Sensor? ► Screwing/Mounting in a proper manner  Motors not screwed in tight enough, etc ► No Acceleration/Deceleration  Stopping/Frantic Stepping ► Sensor Spacing ► Back up code constantly

11 Outstanding Problems & Suggestions ► Hardware  Etching  LEDS  Sensor Placement, and Double checking circuitry ► Software  Acceleration  Alignment  Program to check all sensors  Make lots of Backups

12 Demo ► Watch our mouse in action! ► Look at the Pretty movement! ► See the pretty UH Logo! ► Dance little Alex dance!

13 Questions ► Anyone? ?

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