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Micromouse Projects LTD. Presents a STIG, Whitey, Zephyr Production.

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Presentation on theme: "Micromouse Projects LTD. Presents a STIG, Whitey, Zephyr Production."— Presentation transcript:

1 Micromouse Projects LTD. Presents a STIG, Whitey, Zephyr Production

2 UM v2.0

3 Team Members  Alex Gomera – The ‘Sha-see’ Man  Brad Centeno – The STIG  Matthew Markley – Mr. AmericanEvil

4 Overview The objective this semester is to: 1)Shrink the robot into a smaller form factor 2)Actually have a tracking test platform for the solving code to run through 3)Maximize solving code potential to find best way to the center of the maze.

5 Approaching the Goal Using side sensors only, instead of our previous side and top down sensor ‘Turtle’ UM v1.0 complete circa 2005

6 Approaching the Goal Cont. Same dimension chassis as last year Smaller bi-polar motors Cleaner circuit board layout Multiple solving codes Bringing in different solving approaches

7 Potential Hurdles for UM v2.0 Side sensors not reading at the distances needed Sluggish mouse due to smaller motors Solving codes not successful AmericanEvil’s lack of commented code…

8 Tasks Accomplished So Far Our ‘Sha-see’ man is nearly complete with the ‘chassis’ Circuit board Sensor stand and positioning Full mock-up Movement commands

9 Learning Expectations Better solving code Choosing better materials and chips Etching even better layouts Learn about pulse width modulation for next year…

10 Wrap-Up 1)So as of today, our mouse is 90% built. 2)We have some more testing to do on the sensors. 3)Our solving codes are in the think-tank.

11 Conclusion We are ready for the final build of UM Solving algorithms are being discussed and written down. At design review, we will post more about the mouse and parts of code! And on that hopeful note…questions?

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